C01 Heavy Timber

Pick a project developed in a previous or current studio class and design part of its structure using heavy wood components. Use your in class analyze plan to develop 2 details in a 3d model.

You should work on the following deliverables:

  • Framing plan (1 min.)
    • Annotate deck depth and structural direction [See sizing chart]
    • Annotate Bean sizes, depth and width [See sizing charts]
    • Annotate girder sizes, depth and width
      [beam to girder: Minimum of depth +2” (50mm) and width +1” (25mm)]
  • Two 3d details of different structural connections
    • Submit both the model and views with annotations
    • Your professor will help you pick the right details

All boards must contain:

  • Annotation
  • Scale or graphic scale (for each unique drawing)
  • Dimensions as indicated
  • Custom titleblock particular to this assignment (project C)
  • Correct drawings labelling and sheets numbering


  • 2 board, 24×36 (or 24×34) in PDF format
  • Autocad files (use e-transmit to pack and zip)
  • Titleblock must be a different file, use Xref to import it into your drawing.
  • 3d model in Rhino or DWG format

Name files using the following naming convention:
course_professor initials_semester_project name_student name
(ex: ARCH2331_AA_F20_Grid_JoseSanchez-01.jpg)
files not conforming to department standards may be graded.