Philosophy Statement

Nursing Philosophy Statement

Clear blue waters, the waves crashing on the shore, and my best friend Denisa and I were coming down a set of cobblestone steps to go to the beach while on a school trip.  Suddenly, I noticed a lump on her leg and asked her what that was. She broke down in tears and told me the worst news of my life—it was cancer. She was recently diagnosed with osteosarcoma and did not want to break the bad news to me because she didn’t know how.  After a long hug full of tears and emotions mixed with fear I promised to look after her until her final moment.  It was this moment I knew I wanted to be a nurse since nursing is the art of caring and promotes alleviation of suffering and health advocacy. While Denisa is no longer with us I wish to maintain her memory through helping others who may have experienced what I did on those cobblestone stairs that day.

According to American Nurses Association, the nursing definition stands for protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities and population. That is exactly what I stand for as a nurse. I cherish these two core values by being a nurse; Compassion and Empowerment. As a nurse I try to provide deep empathy and a safe, caring environment for my patients that enriches each life I touch. Through my teachings, I enhance the strengths of individuals, families and communities, by providing opportunities to succeed and participate fully in community life.

I decided to be a nurse not only because I enjoy helping people in their most vulnerable time, but I wanted to practice all the knowledge that I would get from college. In addition, I want to be able to take care of my family the way I have learned, practiced and know to be right. Also, I wanted to have a job that was going to be rewarding. Nursing has shown by far that no matter the tiredness and sleepless and starving nights, I still go to sleep with a smile in my face, feeling rewarded for the work I did.

Nursing is the art of caring and I am people’s person. I want to learn everyday something new. Nursing is a profession where you can always grow and develop. I feel like a sponge that wants to soak up knowledge. I believe the nurse has many important roles in the healthcare team and one of the most important role is being an effective communicator. I believe the nurse is the link between the patient and the rest of the team that being the provider, the dietitian, social worker, etc. I want to advance my knowledge and learn as much as I can so I can become practical in my skills and offer more to my community. I always see myself as an informer and I’m a strong patient advocate.

In addition, a nurse should be very organized and professional. This profession should be treated with respect and I will do so because I represent not only myself, but also my professors and college I graduated from and the institution I work for.  I am happy to be a nurse and can not wait to explore the challenges and experiences that this profession has in store for me.

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