This Baccalaureate program is nothing that I expected when entering. I have been accustomed by the Associates program enforcing memorization of nursing process, disease process and medication therapy into my head that I was expecting the same thing again when I applied to the program two years ago but I was completely wrong. I would have not been prepared for what I encountered even if someone warned me in advance. I have been exposed to a higher learning which has transformed my outlook of nursing.
I have had the ability to be exposed to life beyond bedside care which has been fulfilling. It began with Leadership class with clinical allowed me to partner with a nurse manager. She was warm and receiving to a curious student as me. She introduced to life outside of scrubs and I enjoyed it. From the meetings with the Director of Nursing to staff meeting with disciplinary action I was able to view myself in that position and it made me question my limitations and if I had any. From then on, I was able to see a broader aspect of nursing.
The further along I continued in the program, my mind frame continued to expand which in turn transformed my stance as a professional. I am more motivated and dedicated to contribute to not only to the community of healthcare, but to nursing society. I am encouraged to continue my education and this program is the stepping ground that will lead me to the direction of continuous.
Ultimately, this program has assisted in my transformation to be a more efficient and effective nurse. I am able to make more initiatives when it comes to the planning process as well educate from researches that were studied. I have commissioned from a student to an educated nursing professional who will assist to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. With the knowledge I have obtained and will continue to seek, I can appreciate what I have been through in order to be valuable assets to the profession.