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Design five presentation: Moore Street Market portfolio

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Professional Goals

My professional goals seem to go hand in hand with architecture or the general construction field.  After graduation would like to work in an architectural office and gain work/ field experience.  I currently have knowledge of Rhinoceros, Revit, Auto Cad, 3D Max, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and In-design.  With the skills that I have gained while in school I feel that I would be a great asset to any company that hires me.

About me.

I currently am a student at New York City College of Technology. I am currently studying in the field of architecture.  The reason I chose this major has a humorous history.  During my childhood my mother always reminisces on how I use to watch Bob Villa instead of watching Sesame Street.  This to her is the beginning of my interest in the construction field as a whole.  After this beginning I was always drawing rooms and floor plans with my crayons.  This was just a small stepping stone to who I am today.  I am a humorous, hard working passionate person.  I work hard and try to achieve to the best of the ability that I know how.  Once I graduate I would like to work in the construction field.  I cannot see myself doing anything but that.