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My Professional Goals

Mostly, my intention is to become a Licensed Registered Architect. In the long run, I preferably would like to design residential homes. A home is an important place for a family as a whole and it should be the environment you want it to be. It can be difficult to visualize and bring to life your own desires for your dream home. Thats what I want to do help someone build their dream home, either with all new construction , or renovations, or an addition, I want people to have a place to go and  be happy.

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All About Me…

I grew up in a small town called Somers, in upstate New York. I was always very interested in art. As a child I always drew, and when I entered high school I took as many art electives as I could. What I really wanted to do was go to school for art after graduation. I took drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, water color, ceramics, anything that I could. However, when the time came to start applying to colleges my father told me he would NOT pay for me to go to a school for art! I was too smart for that he told me, I had so much more potential. He said you build yourself a career so that you can go home at the end of the day and do what you love for pleasure. He said when you are forced to do something you love, you will begin to hate it. Lost and confused, I applied to my local community college and went for a basic degree. After my first semester I stumbled upon the Civil Technology program which was a mixture of Architecture and Engineering. That’s when it dawned on me, I could be an Architect! That something that I could be creative with, and love. So here I am today, six years later in New York City College of Technology, studying Architecture and I love it!

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Issuu Portfolio

Check out my Architectural Portfolio on!!!*


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