After choosing your research topic and finding a little background information on childhood obesity.
You need to decide on what the main point of writing this paper is going to be. what is your thesis statement or main question and you are going to answer it.
Once you figures all the vital components are of your paper, then, you should go ahead and organize your main points throughout your research paper on what you will like to focus on.
Here is how we started our Introduction:
Childhood obesity has been a far too common reality in the United State within the past 15 years. Although this condition has been on the decline, our research shows that it is still an ongoing problem. Why this is so and what can we do further to battle this condition? Throughout this guide we will discuss:
- The definition of childhood obesity.
- The causes of childhood obesity.
- The risk factors associated with obesity.
- Treatments and lifestyle change to help correct this condition.
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