
Welcome to Baiton Ngai’s e-portfolio, this is the culmination of his academic career and the beginning stages of his professional career.

Baiton Ngai is a graduating student of New York City College of Technology (CUNY) in the Bachelors program in Business and Technology of Fashion with a focus on working in the business side of Fashion. Baiton will be beginning his career post graduation with the hopes of obtaining an entry level position within a fashion company dedicated in showroom business.

The use of a grey logo is crucial since it lends sophistication and timelessness to the design. The color grey is frequently linked with neutrality, balance, and professionalism. As stated by Bell, using certain colors can create a mood. (Bell,2001)  The use of grey in the logo increases the overall professional and iconic appearance, which aligns with my dedication to maintaining a clean and refined brand image. The delicate use of grey complements the “Cloister Black” font and allows the letters “BN” to stand out beautifully, resulting in a visually pleasing and memorable logo. As a result, the logo conveys my commitment to professionalism and creative quality.

View Baiton’s academic history at New York City College of Technology CUNY here.