Professional Experiences

I’ve worked as a medical assistant at many different hospitals, medical clinics, physical therapy centers and senior clinics. I’ve also worked as a research assistant during my undergrad and a customer service agent for an international airline. Chances are if you can name a social oriented occupation, I’ve participated in it. Here’s a brief overview of my professional experiences so far.

Living Healthy Medical Care P.C.
Brooklyn NY
Medical Assistant
June-Sept 2017
• Welcomes patients into clinic and takes their initial symptoms, vitals and medical histories for documentation
• Observes physician as he performs physical exam on patient
• Assists medical staff in arranging appointments for physical therapy and acupuncture
• Supervises children in waiting area


GlenOaks Ambulance Corps
Queens NY
Dispatcher/attendant at ambulance corps company
June-July 2017
• Reports medical emergency to nearby ambulance crew
• Rides with Paramedics/EMT’s in ambulance to site of emergency
• Assists medical personnel in putting on medical equipment on patients and performing CPR
• Helps medical team assess patients’ vital signs and the best course of action to take in each situation

Metropolitan Comprehensive Medical Center
Flushing NY 11355
Medical Assistant
Jan-June 2017
• Greets patients and make them feel welcomed at the clinic
• Takes vitals for patients (blood pressure, temp, oxygen conc., weight, height) for documentation into patient chart
• Helps organize blood and urine samples before they are sent out to the lab
• Assists the phlebotomist, doctor and medical receptionist with errands they need taken care of.


Worldwide Flight Services-JFK International Airport

Jamaica NY

Customer service representative for Cathay Pacific Airways (paid)

Winter 2015-Spring 2016

  • Checked passengers in prior to their departure
  • Aided incoming passengers on arriving flights with immigration and customsHelped track lost baggage of passengers through a global networking systemPerformed background checks on passengers for security reasonsProvided a cordial atmosphere for those traveling and acted as urdu translator for those who needed language assistance

Clearview Senior Center (SHARP Program)
Bayside, NY 11360
Para to Alzheimer’s/Dementia Patients
April-June 2013
• Engaged memory-loss patients in group discussions and polite conversation
• Helped jog the elderly’s memory through word arts & crafts activities,  games/puzzles and mentally challenging tasks
• Monitored the patients while they participated in light sports and dance
• Counseled/befriended the seniors to help them feel less lonely and depressed

New York Hospital Queens (Level 1 Trauma Center)
Flushing, NY 11355
Hospitality Volunteer, Emergency Department
Feb 2012-Aug 2013
• Greeted and helped register patients into ER
• Acted as Hindi translator for non-native English speakers
• Supervised unchaperoned elderly and escorts them to their respective destinations in the hospital
• Evaluated warning medical signs (chest pain, labor pain, asthma attack) in patients and triaged them for immediate medical attention
• Engaged young patients in games/activities and the elderly in polite conversation to make their stay more pleasant
• Comforted mentally distressed, ailing patients in their time of need

Dr. Fjerdingstad’s Lab (Molecular and Genetic Evolution Lab), Queens College-CUNY

Flushing, NY 11367

Research Assistant (non-paid)

Spring-Summer 2010

  • Performed DNA extractions, gel electrophoresis, PCR etc. for the purpose of genetic analysis
  • Recorded data of ongoing experiments using MS Excel and Word
  • Analyzed data using GeneMarker software and the NCBI online database
  • Presented findings in research report, soon to serve as the basis for a scientific journal article