

Published Writer in City Tech Magazine

Every Spring, City Tech Writer (the annual school magazine) publishes articles written by students about a wide range of topics and covering many different genres. In Dec 2017, Prof Davide recommended my piece “Tigers Don’t Brush” to the editor and I was lucky enough to have it featured in the Spring 2018 edition. In my memoir, I recall who was the first person who taught me how to brush, the challenges I faced while learning a new oral habit and what I have acquired from that experience that I can impart to future generations. When my piece was presented during the publication ceremony, the audience couldn’t help but laugh at how I would run and hide when my mom would try to teach me to brush and my dad would calm me by saying “it’s ok honey, tigers don’t need to brush”. I guess the feeling of not wanting to brush as a child (or even as an adult) is something we can all (yes even me as a dental hygiene student) relate to. We all get lazy and understanding this, I try to make brushing and flossing easier for patients by introducing aids (floss piks or electric toothbrush) to help guide the process.

brushing assignment “Tigers don’t brush”

Speech on Importance of Dental Restorations
For my speech class, I presented on why dental restorations (crowns, bridges and implants are important) . In my persuasive speech, I was trying to get my young classmates to invest in their dental health by getting important restorative work done in time before it affects their bite and appearance. Prof Costa was really impressed by my presentation skills and chose me as one of the finalists to present in front of the school.


Warm reviews and thank you’s from my patients for a job well done

Ofcourse seeing a beautiful smile at the end of the treatment is a reward in itself. But what makes it better is if patients take the time out to say thank you to you after the treatment.