Sites on the OpenLab

Site Templates

When you create a new Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio, the site created uses a template that is appropriate for each type of site. For example, new Course sites come with pre-created pages for Syllabus, Assignments, etc. We also have templates for different types of Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio Sites. You can choose the type of template you want to use when you’re creating your new Site. 

Below is a guide to the different types of templates. Currently only Courses have more than one template to choose from, but additional templates for Portfolios, Projects, and Clubs are all coming soon.


There are two templates available for Courses:

  • Interactive: This template is best used for interacting with students via posts and comments, as well as sharing course materials.
  • Informational: Intended for sharing course materials and other information with students, it contains the essentials, but is more streamlined than the interactive template.