
I made this in photoshop and pulled some characters in PNG format to manipulate them for this show poster look.


This was done in illustrator. It’s a poster of one of my favorite drummers, Quest Love from the Roots.


This was so fun to make. It is some chopping of the Thor Ragnorak trailer to give some humorous banter between “The God of Thunder” and the “Mad Man” himself.

All Rights belong to Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures

Production Companies


Special Effects

Other Companies


This was some footage I collected with a camera and narrated. I then was able to put some finishing touches on it to bring it down to only about a min or so in Premiere.



This is a link to a roll a ball game that I made in Unity. It is the first game I ever made in my life. It is a zip file that can be downloaded and then the Ball Run file can be used to play my game. It includes a super high jump as well as pressing Return is a Turbo boost. Enjoy!