Monthly Archives: September 2015

Welcome to ENG 1101

Hi all! You’ve found Jackie Blain’s ENG1101 site for Fall 2015.

Use the navigation bar at the top of the page to find the Assignments, the Handouts & Readings, and the Syllabus pages.

1. Assignments — I’ll post these the day I make them in class. You’ll also be able to find any written assignment sheets on the Handouts & Readings and Files pages.

2.  Handouts & Readings

Handouts: Things like “Writing the Analysis” and “They Say, I Say templates”

Readings: These are alphabetical by the author’s last name

3. Syllabus (including schedule and Unit One overview/assignment) — There’s one for my Monday/Thursday class and one for my Friday class, so be sure to get the correct one!

I’ll post Announcements here on this Home Page, so if you miss a class, check here first, and then email if you have questions (


by the way, the header is published under a Creative Commons license