Internship – Narrative

As a college class requirement this semester, I was required to take an internship class where I find a potential company to intern at and to gain experience in the field.

Before my class even began I was already on the web browsing for different internship opportunities for my major, which is Graphic Design Production. At first I was refining my search to Graphic Design Production which mainly deals with production such as finding media kits, scheduling and making sure everything is good before it is ready to print. There were not that many options for that particular Graphic Design field online.

After a good couple of weeks instead of narrowing my search, I broaden it to doing Graphic Design also. Not before long I had gotten a two replies. The 1st one had ask me to send in my resume and online portfolio to him, but that was the last I heard of him. The second one was another internship that had called me to schedule an interview on November 20th at 1.

The interview wasn’t really like a true interview to me. When I arrived to the interview I was the first interviewee. Two other interviewee came after me. I had notice that I was not the only one that was confused with the situation that we were in. Like I said before I had an interview with a small company, but the office we were in was a financial advising office. It had completely threw all of us interviewee off and I had notice that all of us were browsing the internet for information about the financial group. It was later on that it was reveal to use that we were not interning at the financial group but the small company that we had initially plan to interview at.

At first he did a group orientation/presentation/overview of him and the small company he runs, and ask us to introduce ourselves. Afterward was the individual interview. Unlike other interview’s that I have gone to, this one was different instead of asking me questions after questions, he only asked for 1 or 2 questions and then to show him my portfolio. After showing my portfolio he said that I am accepted and will be receiving more information next week along with paperworks that need to be brought in.

The following week I had brought in my paperworks and had began my internship the following day. I had to start quick because of how late it was already in the semester and that I had to crank out 120 hours of internship within 4-5 weeks that was left. So as of now I am 3 weeks in and have gotten 71 hours, and have 2 weeks left of internship and 1 week left til the semester is over.

The lesson of this narrative is, don’t limit yourself to a specific internship when looking for one. Broaden your search.

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