Monthly Archives: November 2013

Blog Series part 4


Logo belongs to Adobe

Last but not least, Adobe Indesign. Unlike the other programs that we talked about, Indesign is not a program that manipulates photos or creates illustration. But, it is a program where it will bring everything together.

Adobe Indesign is a layout program and that is it’s sole purpose. It is where designer should be bringing in all their photos or illustration of the project and laying it out ready for print or for the Web. Indesign has the necessary tools for layouts out Designer’s work such as bleed and safety areas where designer’s main focus is safe if anything were to happen during he printing process.

Hopefully after sharing my knowledge from what I learn as a graphic arts production student, it can help you become a better graphic designer and understand the program more.

-Part 1 -Part 2 -Part 3

Guest Blogged

Visit Maria’s blog about photography and music. Just guest blogged on her blog.

Guest Post: By Maria Llanos

Hello! My name is maria Llanos

After reading you bio, I’ve noticed that we have something in common. I also took a Photoshop class in High School where i decided to continue a career in Graphic Arts Production. Its interesting to see how much you can do with all of these programs such as photo shop, illustrator and much more to bring out your creativity.  That’s why i decided to create a blog about photography because i always enjoyed editing pictures, changing the colors and showing how much can be done with Photoshop.

I see that you have an introduction of you series stating that you will write about the different programs for design besides photo shop. Which programs will you write about and how will you break it down for the bloggers to understand? I would enjoy learning more about it because i normally use In Design but i would like to learn more maybe about illustrator or any others.

Some ideas i would suggest is maybe adding some visuals to your series showing a specific design you have created. It’ll catch your bloggers attention and it also shows what kind of design can be done in the program you chose to talk about.

So far your blog is great and cant wait to learn much more of it.

Guest Post:



Guest Blogger Alex Mohabir here

chasmsquadsthumbnailWhen the time of finals hit I usually get overwhelmed with stress and get partial anxiety attacks prior to my classes. The worst part of finals are final projects and papers because you have to prepare materials instead of having to just “study” for a test. Preparing papers and projects leave me with a paranoia feeling that i forget something vital or didn’t explain it well enough.

After finals and all my stress is relieved and gone my smoking patterns go back down instead of being very heavily due to the excessive stress. For fall semester finals I go shopping since it is close to the holidays and to celeberate one stressful semester done.

Usually buying whatever games that are out that I want and don’t already have; then spending a lot of time playing them with my friends. Dominiating all the games one by one. Kent if you would like to join us sometime we’d be glad to have another person with us.

After spring semester finals I usually just have a big relieving “sigh” to say well this years done and summers here time to celeberate.


Blog Series part 3


Logo belongs to Adobe

Adobe Illustrator is another great program. Unlike Photoshop, Illustrator does not deal with photos. Instead it deals with creating abstract designs.

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphic editor program where the program deals with fine lines to create works. Logos and illustration is mainly done in this program as it shows smooth crisp lines when it is saved unlike photoshop where text will also become pixelated.

Adobe Illustrator is also perfect for creating logos and branding from font. Creating these types in Illustrator is also easy where you are able to convert fonts into vector outlines and allows the user to manipulate the outline creating a unique font and design.

In the next series I will be talking about the 3rd Adobe program that is also essential to graphic designers.

-Part 1 -Part 2

Blog Series part 2


Logo belongs to Adobe

Adobe Photoshop is a great and powerful tool to do a lot of stuff. Majority of the graphic designer don’t know that Photoshop is not your one stop shop. In other words, even though it is a great program, it is not meant to be done for everything.

Like the hint in the name, Photoshop is meant to be dealt with photos. When I say dealt with photos I mean that it is used to manipulate photos or add special effects to it. However, this program is not meant to be dealt with for fonts or creating abstract designs.

The reason why this software is not that great with dealing with fonts and abstract design is because raster program. In better terms, it is only meant to deal with pixels which photos have. So when you save your project or photo that you have place a text in, that very same text that was looking nice on the computer will become pixelated. Making it not as smooth as it should be if done in other Adobe programs.

In the next series I will explain what Adobe programs should be used for text and design.

Part 1

How to use the right program for Graphic Design Part 1

In the beginning, when I first was introduce to photoshop, I, like a lot of people didn’t know the fundamentals of which program to use for design. I only assume that with photoshop you can do anything and all you had to do was create it in photoshop.

After I left high school and went to college for Graphic Arts Production, my professors’ drilled in my head that there are other programs out there that do specific type of jobs for graphic design and that photoshop is not the ideal program to do everything in.

In the following series I will introduce the each programs and the reason why that program is good for those specific task.