Downtime- What I Do Offline to Recharge


The following is a blog post idea that I have taken from Chris Brogan as a topic to write.

Everybody has a time where they get exhausted from a hard and stressful week. I know that for a fact cause that is exactly whats going on during midterms and finals where everything all jam packed into a week or probably even a day. But once that day or week is over, you feel like the weights have been lifted off your shoulders and want to do something to relax and recharge yourself for the following day or week.

For me, there’s a couple of things I like to do to recharge and relax myself. Mainly if there’s a new game out that me and my fellow buddies had bought, we would spend a good couple of hours playing the game and releasing that pent up stress to enjoy myself. We would be playing and communicating on Skype talking and joking about the stupid things we do in the game. If there’s no new games out or everyone else is busy, I would sit back and enjoy some good old T.V. shows that were aired during the week.


Credit: Chris Brogan

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