For Smokers, Apartment-Hunting Is Even Tougher

The article above involves the individuals that smoke and the individuals that do not smoke in their households. This article caught my attention because not to long ago I lived in a building that revolved around a lot of smokers which was very dangerous for me and the health of my family. Many laws in New York have been regulated allowing certain people to live in buildings that are for smokers and non-smokers are opposed to that. I would agree with the non-smokers not wanting to live next door to neighbors that smoke because they may have young children. These young children may be exposed to very harmful toxins. I wouldn’t want to live near individuals that smoke because no one in my family smokes and I do not want to be exposed to the smell and the harm it can do to my lungs and immune system.

I believe that smokers should be more considerate and smoke outside because their is too much pollution outside. We don’t want to bring that inside of our buildings and harm other individuals because of our careless ways.

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