“Women Have A More Powerful Immune System Than Men, Study Shows “

This article relates to the discussion of the immune system which we had in class, i found this to be significant in learning about the immune systems and its functions. The article discusses how a new study performed on lab mice demonstrated how females have more powerful immune systems compared to men. The lab mice displayed how male mice where more vulnerable to infection while the female mice were more resistant to infection, this signifying that this as well can be true among humans. According to the amounts of estrogen that females have it allows them to better off fight infection when there is an inflammatory response that indicates a bacterial pathogen is present .This is due to the fact that women have the Capase- 12 enzyme gene which is blocked by the estrogen which has allowed for women to build on more powerful immune systems. While men express the Capase -12 this makes more difficult to fight off infection due to this expressed gene. I think study is relevant in many ways displaying that the male immune system is more prone to infection than that of the female, meaning in a near future we can find certain factors that can help an assist to make the male immune system more stronger. The differences among the male and the female genetic composition does resemble the fact that women have to have stronger immunity. For example one pointed stated in the article was that women have a stronger immune system due to the fact that they do reproduce. The fact that females have a reproductive system like such is already biologically build to be more resistant and able to fight off pathogens that may want to cause infection. Pregnancy is a stage where the female should maintain a better immune system not only for her but for her fetus. This article also poses a question of how men would build on their own immune system to become stronger by allowing a female hormone such as estrogen to assist their immunological resistance to infection and whether this would actually be beneficial.

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2 Responses to “Women Have A More Powerful Immune System Than Men, Study Shows “

  1. da121dj says:

    Wow this must have been a very interesting article. As soon as I saw the title of the post pregnancy automatically came up in my head because I thought they would have a better immune system being that they have to protect and help the fetus to become mature. When I saw that you mentioned it I was like “yes” in my head because I assumed right. If a man were to allow estrogen to assist in building their immune system, how much of the estrogen would be given, so that the man does not end up breasts, and how regularly would it be administered?

  2. Viplav Shakya says:

    This is so interesting to know about the better immune system with females than males. The fact that the presence of estrogen in females is the reason behind their powerful immune system is just so amazed to know. The ability of females to be pregnant at this point is beneficial for them. All women should really study this article and encourage your friends, mother, sistersto know about it.

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