“Elephantiasis gene secrets mapped”

“Elephantiasis gene secrets mapped”

This article talks about treatment being given to people that are infected with Elephantiasis. This article gives information about the disease, but also provides opinions from professionals. One professional says that data has been found and that they are hoping that it can lead to better treatment and a vaccine to protect people from the infection. I disagree with the professor that says that it is pointless. Though, cheap drugs are not being given to those that are affected, it shouldn’t mean that they shouldn’t consider others drugs even if they are expensive. There is conflict of certain countries being able to afford certain drugs.

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5 Responses to “Elephantiasis gene secrets mapped”

  1. Amanda, thank you for sharing with us. This is an interesting article because it presents the science, but also the influence of socio-economical and political issues when treating a condition. Elephantiasis affects many individuals around the world, and it is very unfortunate that the economical issues hinder the treatment of affected individuals. The more we understand the nature of organisms, the better prepared the scientific community is to deal with the different challenges that are faced in medicine.

  2. Viplav Shakya says:

    Amanda, you have done a great job posting the article about the disease Elephantiasis. It definitely helped me a lot to understand better about this disease. One interesting thing in this article that tickles me is that even though there has been the drug discovered which costs very cheap, why it has not been able to be provided to people suffering from this disease in many countries. Is that beause of the lack of awareness or the government of those countries are not working for it? This is so sad that people are still suffering from this disease though the treatment is not that expensive. Overall, the article was great and I learned a lot.

  3. jayvee28 says:

    Elephantiasis is a devastating disease to have. Many people suffer from this around the world, and this issue should be taken more into consideration. Too many people are affected with this and there should be more interest in this topic. We should all be more aware, of diseases that are not so common here in the U.S but also outside the U.S.

  4. Whether it is Elephantiasis or any other disorder or disease, forgien countries often don’t have a cure or medicine to help that patient so they often end up dying. Not many people can afford to come to the U.S for treatment so they send them to a neighboring countries that has some resources and/or help for that person.

  5. Sunzia Kabir says:

    Elephantiasis is characterized by the gross enlargement of a limb or areas of the trunk or head. There is an abnormal accumulation of watery fluid in the tissues (edema) causing severe swelling. The skin usually develops a thickened, pebbly appearance and may become ulcerated and darkened. Fever, chills and a general feeling of ill health (malaise) may be present.

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