Humans and our relatives

We had the opportunity to discuss in class about the origin of humans and the characteristics that make us a unique specie.

In our previus exam you had to answer if you would suspect if there was any other organism belonging to the genus Homo. The correct answer was yes, since the genus will include different species, but the fact is that all other Homos are now extinct.   Lots of research is trying to identify the roots of our origin based on fossil records, but the use of the field of genetics is playing a vital role in the development and evolution of humans. 

One of the main characteristics of human evolution is the straightening of the spine, the larger brain and a very distinct change in dentition.  Currently, research efforts focus the identification of events that lead humans to rule this world. 

The article below from the discover magazine presents which are the main characteristics that have made us so successful.

Please, acces the following article and share your comments (from a scientific perspective) with all of us.

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8 Responses to Humans and our relatives

  1. Viplav Shakya says:

    Humans are superior to any other animals and organisms due to different characteristics. Genetics is playing a vital role to determine how we humans developed and evolved. We have the ability to adapt to different kinds of environment which is one of reason that we are able to survive till now. We have a larger brain than any other animals which is one of the soul reason that lead us to think of how to adapt in different environments. We also care of our offspring giving them good food and shelter and we learned to save the resources for the future generation. These would add more for our survival and be the most dominant in the existing world.

  2. Rafaelina Cruz Almonte says:

    I do believe in God and also in evolution. Though I haven’t yet been able to digest that life came out just of organic synthesis and even millions of years later also we haven’t been able to find any other planet where also this organic synthesis occurred. It seems too simple a process to have not occurred on any other planet. May be it has occurred but in planets which are light years away. Nevertheless, the idea of unicellular to multicellular to organ systems; from photosynthetic autotrophs to humans is perfectly fine and is complemented by large number of evidences and fossils. Evolution or Creation is an amazing question to ask. For me it has to be creation for a simple reason. Life is too precious, too wonderful for no thought to be behind it. Consider the eye and what it can see or how the brain enables you to see what you are looking at. Open and close your hand, turn it around and think on what is going on to allow you to do such a simple thing. The connection between the brain, nervous system, muscles, bone and tendons etc is simply fantastic. Think also of your joints and how they move or that they give you the ability to stand, pick things up etc and this is just a tiny fraction of what your body is able to do. Now add in the countless millions of different animals alive on this planet today or that have been in the past. Evolution is too young, too cold to have been able to produce that amount of amazing variety or diversity.

  3. wrahman says:

    Rafaelina, i agree with you ” Evolution or Creation is an amazing question to ask” it has to be creation. simply think about our brain. how fast it senses and responds to its sensation. even deeper, think about the modern technology. for example, the computer. computer that has been built by the men (of course using their brain). if a computer designed to funtion in this way, thn imagine what else can our brain do? simply there has to be a creater.

  4. vshakya says:

    Among all these organisms we humans are the most dominant animal in the present world. The characteristics we have are so incredible that makes us superior from any others. The larger brain size is the most important feature which helps us to have best decision for the good sake. We take care of our offsprings very well and hence helps to carry our generation after generation. We have the ability to cope with different kinds of environments which makes us distinct from other animals. The question that arises between evolution and creation is so confusing that it’s too hard to interpret exactly. Are we created or we evolved? The features we have, the movements we make, the biological procedures that go inside our body is just so amazing.

  5. In a sense i would disagree with Rafaelina and WRahman because, i would like to say that some credit must be given to evolution. I say this because since the time of our ancestors we have learned to adapt to our environment and because of this adaptibility, we have reached an ultimate evolutionary success. Think about it this way, if our ancestors couldnt’ve adapted to the changing environment then in a sense the human species wouldve went extinct long time ago. Therefore, in a sense evolution has added onto our success. IN addition, you cannot compliment creation when criticing our natural tendencies as in to see and to think. Because due to adaptation, our body has modified to think clearly, connect our thoughts, motions and actions- this in fact is a natural evolutionary process and not the work of creation. If we couldnt adapt, we couldnt’ve evolitionized and therefore, be unable to ‘create’ what really is a natural process.

  6. vshakya says:

    Among all these organisms we humans are the most dominant animal in the present world. The characteristics we have are so incredible that makes us superior from any others. The larger brain size is the most important feature which helps us to have best decision for the good sake. We take care of our offsprings very well and hence helps to carry our generation after generation. We have the ability to cope with different kinds of environments which makes us distinct from other animals. The question that arises between evolution and creation is so confusing that it’s too hard to interpret exactly. Are we created or we evolved? The features we have, the movements we make, the biological procedures that go inside our body is just so amazing.

  7. Humans appear to be domiant because of our “ways to adapt”. We have the ability to create and do, the way that animals do not. First animals roamed the word and as humans began to exist they have bumbarded animals forcing them out of their habitats. When its all over, I’m pretty sure animals will be the last standing.

  8. Olga Dziakiewicz says:

    As I read the article and comments of my classmates, I must say that I do agree with them. The article says that despite diverse human family tree are the only ones to survive? That makes sense do to above me mentioned environment adaptation. Not only we are capable of protecting ourselves from sudden temperature changes, global warming etc.; we are very complex, INTELLIGENT organisms who can predict, think, protect and act rationally in various situations unlike many other animals. Yet, we cannot still fully explain our existence which is was and will be the core question of the humanity.

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