Moving to Online Class
Dear Student,
As we will be continuing the semester online, this will bring some changes in the way we are conducting the lessons.
In order to move as smoothly as possible, it is necessary that all of you collaborate and have a good disposition to enter in this new endeavor together.
The following points are important to keep in mind:
- Online classes will follow the SAME SCHEDULE.
- I will be using WebEx for class meetings. I will send you an invitation to your CityTech email to join the meetings. Please let me know ASAP if you prefer that I send the invitation to your personal email.
- Attendance will be taken, but you have to make sure you are connected on time to not disturb the flow of the class.
- You will be receiving the invitation for tomorrow (Thursday, March 19) meeting later today.
- I will be posting the material to be discussed at the meeting on Blackboard and OpenLab at least one day prior to the meeting.
- Office hours will also follow the SAME SCHEDULE: Tuesdays 12 pm – 2 pm. I will be responding to your questions by email, and meeting on WebEx by appointment, as needed.
- Assignments: Each week, you will be expected to participate in a discussion forum and complete a homework.
- Details for the discussion will be sent later.
- Homework: You will need to submit your assignment through Blackboard.
- We will keep the same number of exams as originally was set. Probably the format and conditions will be different but I will let you know when time comes.
- Please Check Your Email Frequently.
It is going to take a lot of will power to get through this semester.
No classes until March 18. We will resume classes in distance-learning mode on Thursday, March 19. More details will follow soon.
Review for exam 2
Exam 2
This is scheduled on Tuesday, March 10.
Homework 2 and extra credit
These are due on Tuesday, March 3rd.
The documents can be found here:
Exam 1
Exam 1 is on Thursday, February 20th. A review for the exam can be found here:
Solution for Homework 1
Homework 1 is due on Tuesday, February 11
Hello world!
Welcome to City Tech OpenLab. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!