Self-Reflection Analysis

During the spring semester of 2016, I had an amazing experience in my Community Health Nursing clinical class. The community setting was at Masaryk Towers located in the Lower East Side. It was a new learning experience that I embraced. The following paragraphs will demonstrate how I was able to obtain the objectives of this course.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance

In order to obtain the pre-cited objective, I had to respect certain expected behaviors. I maintain my client confidentiality by making sure only the people who were concerned in my client’s health have access to his/her records and that such records were secure in a safe place when I am not around. Even if it was not a hospital-like setting, there are some pertinent information that I obtain from my clients. I also ask permission before sharing any relevant health information regarding my client. I also assume responsibility for my own learning. I prepared for clinical by reviewing the basic interview skills and always having the necessary tools to care for my client. As nursing professional, time management is important and handing in assignments on time is part of learning time management. To do so, I plan my days according to my work and school schedule. I also take break in between so not to burn myself out. It is always important to seek guidance and ask questions whenever it is needed because it is never a shame to not know something. The professors and preceptor made themselves available when I needed help. Participating in clinical conferences were important because in such way I was able to have insight of what my colleagues did, how they handle challenges encounter, and also I was giving an opportunity to voice my opinions. Dressing professionally is not only a way of showing respect for the nursing profession but also showing respect for oneself. I took care to make sure that my hair, nails, and clothes were neat and appropriate for the clinical.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting

The pre-cited objective was attainable by doing the following actions. I mostly used client and family interview to collect client information.  Because the setting was in the community, I did not have access to nursing and medical records, staff nurses and other health professionals. I had to rely solely on the client interview. During the client or family members’ interview, I was also able to assess the impact of developmental, emotional, cultural, religious, and spiritual influences on the client’s health status. By doing home visits, I was able to collect data relevant to the client’s self-care needs. Although I was not able to complete a head to toe physical assessment, I was able to prioritize care by applying priority-setting in planning nursing interventions. Because the setting was in the community, I was not able to administer medications or treatment, but I provided teaching to my client. And the return demonstration evaluated the outcome of my teaching. If further instructions were needed, it was provided. Personal safety principles were utilized by the use of personal protective equipment (ppe) such as gloves, and being aware of my surroundings.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting

In the community, it is important to use therapeutic communication skills because not everyone’s needs in the community are the same. And also, as an outsider to the community, I had to gain the trust of the community before implementing any care. Being aware of the diversity in the community was one of the important aspects of community health that has help me to use appropriate channels of communication. It was also important to share relevant information with peers and clinical instructor. By doing so, I had a broader perspectives on conflict resolutions, communication, and even new ways of looking at things. I usually communicate these relevant health information during post conference with the clinical, so everyone can have a voice of what really happened during their care. Nursing care and interventions were also reported so others can be aware of what was going on.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice

In regards to develop and implement teaching plan for an adult and/or family in the community, I was not privilege to do so. But as a clinical group, we have put together a health fair on disaster preparedness for the whole community. Our assessment and history of the community during disasters made us aware of the need to teach this community about disaster preparedness. Some of the sub-topics of the health care were nutrition, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a go-bag all related to disaster preparedness. The community responded very well to our interventions. Because everyone learns differently, different learning methods were available such as visual props and handout, face-to-face or one-to-one teaching. To evaluate to outcomes of our interventions, we provided a post-test, on all the subjects taught, to each and every one who attended the session.

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community

Although the setting was not hospital-like but rather the community, I ensure that client’s confidentiality was maintained at all time. I believed that no matter wat the setting is, nursing principles should always be reinforced. After collecting valuable clients’ information, their confidentiality was maintain by giving access or sharing such information only with the concerned staff. Also, clients’ records were kept somewhere safe and secure.  Although there was not much of information exchange electronically, HIPAA and HITECH act were vigorously observed.

Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development

It was important to provide to the clients the most recent literature in healthcare. Nowadays that information is readily available with the use of internet, it comes to nurses to make sure that the community has access to the right information. None of my clients were interested in using technology to seek health information. They preferred the traditional doctor/nurses as providers of health information. So, I encourage them to put together a list of questions that they may have and they can ask their provider during their next visit. Because after all, they are the guardians of their health. I continue to encourage them in asking questions and maintaining good health habits each and every time I have a chance to provide some teaching. It was crucial for me to evaluate myself and make some changes. Certain teaching methods did not work with every client. I had to individualize my teaching sessions in order to meet specific clients’ needs.

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice

The standards of practice of the American Nurses Association (ANA) is similar to the nursing process which is comprised of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementations, and evaluation. The same standards of practice were used in order to provide the best care. Keeping up to date with the most recent health literature is one of the best way to provide the best care which can be accomplish by attending conferences, being member of a health related association, and reading health related journal. Being accountable in nursing is very important. Not only others can trust you but you can trust yourself as well to be the best version of yourself. This was accomplish by managing my time, being honest and practicing integrity.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team

As a community nurse, collaboration between the health care team is very important. Just one person would not be able to get the work done. So, my clinical group collaborated with some organizations in the community in order to put together the health fair that benefited the whole community. We, as a group saw a potential problem in the future based on our assessment and we took action by educating the community. But it would have not been possible if it was not with the help of many organizations within the community.  During our assessment in the community, we identify multiple resources within and near the community with the potential to help in our project. By implementing our project, we warn the community of a potential problem and guide them through the important changes that they ought to make. By doing screening, we also encourage people in the community to make changes in their health habits. And when further assistance is needed, we refer the clients to the appropriate organizations.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social, and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services 

The community where I served was very diverse ethnically and racially. So there was a gap in the delivery of care because of language barrier and culture. The predominant culture believe in traditional medicine which made them reluctant to seek medical help if and when needed. As a group, we come up with the idea of making health information available in their own language and answer to the best of our ability their health related questions. And when what have done is not enough, we seek the help of our preceptor who has more insight of the community resources that can further assist the community.

I can conclude to say that I love every minute of my community nursing clinical. I feel that as a nurse in the community that I was needed and I had a voice to bring change to the community. Although the community comes with its challenges, it is worth the challenges. I mostly enjoyed the teaching sessions which bring me in a place where I can contribute to the change as small as it can be.