Chapter Headings

Basic Maintenance For Your Car 


  • How to open your hood
  • Precautions and safety
  • Getting familiar with the items under the hood
  • Explanation of why thing are where they are

The use of the different fluids and how to top it off………………………..4-6

  • Why it is important to use the same fluid
  • Learning about the different marks (how to know if it is fill or not)
  • Understanding why the different fluids need to be topped off

Changing your oil………………………………………………………………………..7-10

  • Why does your oil get “gunky”
  • Identifying the different components that involve an oil change
  • Knowing what a complete oil change is

Changing your air air filter………………………………………………………….11-12

  • Why does your car have an air filter
  • The process of changing the air filter

Basic road side assistance……………………………………………………………13-15

  •  What you should have in your car in case of emergency
  • What to do in certain scenarios
  • How to change a spare tire

Rotating tire and importance of tire pressure………………………………..16-18

  • How does tire pressure affect gas mileage
  • The effects tire pressure has on the comfort of the ride
  • How much pressure is enough pressure

Change brake pads………………………………………………………………………19-20

  • Why do brakes wear down
  • How do brakes work
  • What to do and what not to do.


  • A wrap up on every thing  car related


One response to “Chapter Headings

  1. very good! I like the breakdown and I see its a bit long, but you will be able to modify as the book comes together.

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