Sample Thank You Letter (Brandon Version)

Brandon Archer RN

December 13, 2012

Ms. Jane Doe
Nursing Recruitment Division
Kings County Hospital Center
451 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203

Dear Ms.Doe:

First, I would like to thank you so much for having the privilege of being granted an interview with you. The nursing position that you outlined sounds both challenging and rewarding and I look forward to your decision concerning this employment opportunity at Kings County Hospital Center.

As mentioned during the interview, I will be graduating in Spring 2013 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I firmly believe that my education would allow me to have a greater understanding of the complexity and diversity of the nursing profession. I feel that this fact would allow to be an effective registered nurse as I care for the clients of Central Brooklyn. I have enclosed a copy of my college transcript and a list of references that you requested.

Thank you again for the opportunity to be considered by the nursing department at Kings County Hospital Center. The interview served to reinforce my interest in becoming a part of your wonderful and caring team. I can be reached via telephone or e-mail should you need additional information.

Yours respectfully,


Brandon Archer RN