This is a good page to give an overview of your professional achievements to date.

Professional Achievements to Date

Illya Azaroff, is an Architect, Geographer and educator. He is the son of a war refugee and has dedicated his research and career  to helping others who have been affected by natural and man-made disasters. Through his efforts over the years Illya has become a recognized leader in disaster mitigation, resilient planning and design strategies. The US Department of State lists him as one of the nations foremost experts in resilient strategies and adaptation techniques and is often called upon to receive foreign dignitaries and missions. In 2018-19 he met with delegations from India, China and Bangladesh exchanging essential materials and ideas for combating climate change. He regularly works with the city, state and federal agencies, professional societies, not-for-profits, community groups and foreign governments on building resilient capacity. His current work includes serving as an SME for FEMA/ANRC/ICC developing community resilience benchmarks. The Benchmarking for communities has been released as of Jan. 2019 and is being piloted across the country. Additionally he worked on the 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plans for the U.S. Virgin Islands and the HMP for New York City. He has been advising New York City MOR on Flood planning efforts through Future Flood Maps Technical Advisory Group. Recently Illya recently (2020) worked with National HUD Advisory Group for Resilience Guidelines that examined housing building policy and practices across the United States and its territories.

He is the founding co-chair of the AIANYS Unified Crisis Taskforce convening a state wide response to the COVID19 pandemic. This cross cutting multi sector group has been working with city and state agencies, community groups and volunteer networks to address pressing issues from PPE production and distribution to advising on reaping buildings and surrounding safe protocols. 

Following the 2017 hurricane season he began working in the gulf coast and with the Caribbean resilience initiative, actively training builders & design professionals across the region. He has held workshops in Florida, Texas and several Caribbean Islands. He is part of a team working with the United Nations, and Commonwealth of Nations to inform recovery in several Caribbean nations including the Bahamas and Dominica. His team has been working with the people of the islands, including the Kalinago people to develop regenerative strategies across the region. In Texas he has been working with Houston City council to advance Vision 2020 to create a comprehensive resilient and sustainable ideas platform for the city.

Mr. Azaroff is a contributor and editor to many essential publications including NYC Resiliency Design Guidelines, New York Department of City Planning Retrofitting Buildings for Flood Risk, and the FLASH – Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Resilient Housing Guidelines (2014). He has worked with not-for-profit organizations such as Enterprise Community Partners on Keep Safe, Housing Recovery Guide for Island Communities (2019) and Ready to Respond:Strategies for Multi-Family Building Resilience(2015). He has worked with WeAct as part of a grant from the Kresge Foundation in creating a climate action plan for northern Manhattan. 

Illya has brought together the best guidance and science in Resilience and sustainability into several built projects. His housing work is the subject of Designed to Last: Blueprint for a Better Home highlighting the next generation of resilient and sustainable housing, built in New York City.

Prior contributions to advancing Resilience include his service as a Technical Advisor under the Obama Administration to ASPR – Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response in Washington D.C. informing the NDRF-National Disaster Recovery Framework for critical facilities and related networks. The work has been integrated into national policy and the NDRF. He served as a subject mater expert with several organizations including the Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities and is Founding Co-chair of DfRR – Design for Risk and Reconstruction committee at the AIA New York Chapter. Over the last 10 years the DfRR has created over 60 programs addressing community adaptation, new codes, zoning and best practices. The DfRR often works with city agencies producing guides such as the Post Sandy Initiative: Building Better, Building Smarter: Opportunities for Design and Development (May 2013) and Extreme Heat: Hot Cities – Adapting to a Hotter World (April 2016).

Illya is a tenured Associate Professor at New York City College of Technology (CUNY), where he leads sustainability and resilient efforts across the curriculum. In 2016 he received a CUNY service award and he has a long history of research publication, lectures and articles. He can be found via TEDx, We are not alone, RocaGallery June ’19 Dominica’s Indigenous Innovation, Connections Magazine June ’15 Ahead of the Surge ArchNewsNow what Does Recovery Look Like?, AIA Reframing Resilience publication’16, the 3rd edition of the AIA Disaster Assistance Handbook ‘17 and How architects are creating the next generation of green design, March’18.

He is a certified instructor with multiple organizations such as NDTPC-National Disaster Training Preparedness Center in Hawaii, he teaches Hurriplan: Building Resilient Coastal Communities. He is a certified trainer with CalEMA – Emergency Management for SAP-Safety Assessment Program he has trained hundreds of allied professionals and government employees since 2013. Between 2016-18 he worked at a national level to develop Resilience certification coursework with the American Institute of Architects. The nine course Resilience certification launched in 2019 and is available on AIAU for distance learning. 

He is the Founder AIA Regional Recovery Working Group (AIARRWG), a four state compact sharing knowledge and expertise in Post Sandy Rebuilding and resilience efforts. This group worked from 2014-16 across a broad constituency including HUD, DHS, Army Corp. MTA, NYSERDA, state and local authorities. AIARRWG was recognized in 2015 National Component Excellence Award for assisting in recovery efforts throughout the region.

Then use the sub-section pages to provide details about your:

For the past nine+ years have been very active following Super Storm Sandy. In the initial days following the storm I was called to the OEM to begin planning and coordinating recovery efforts. Through my work with AIA New York, Regional Catastrophic Planning Team and city agencies I started an office share effort for professionals affected by the storm. I helped organize a call for volunteer architects to assist the city in damage assessment, 400 respondents in 48-hour period. I helped organize ACT 45 CalEMA training for New York City Architects to conduct damage assessment to buildings after the storm and have continued that effort coordinating with the New York Department of State on the CEDAR damage assessment program. In 2019-2020 I led training sessions for over 600 Architects and engineers and since 2013 I have trained well over 3000 people in resilient build techniques including many NYCCT faculty members, Paul King, Shelley Smith, Jason Montgomery, Wendell Edwards, Barbara Mishara, and Felix Baez to name a few.

Since 2012 I remained engaged in resilience and recovery. I served as a Technical Advisor to the Federal Government for the NDFR-National Disaster Recovery Framework for the three years and have advised Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities. Locally I was appointed to Mayors Office of Recovery and Resilience (ORR) Resilient Buildings Task Force where I have assisted in the recently released Resilient Building Guidelines, this work ended in January of 2017.

Continuing with policy advisement I am currently working with city agencies on New York City 2019 Mitigation Plan. Recent storms of the 2017 Hurricane season have placed me in a unique position to advice and assist several cities, territories and countries. I am currently advising the city of Houston at the invitation of City council to work on the cities Vision 2020 ideas competition, in the US Virgin Islands I worked on the 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan an essential governing document for US funding and resilience building , in Puerto Rico I assisted Enterprise Green Communities in producing a guide to Housing Recovery that has been accepted by FEMA as US policy and the Island of Dominica assisting in setting up the Kalinago Resilience institute for the first people of the island. Much of the work surrounds training, policy and community based workshops to increase knowledgeable technical expertise for long-term recovery. In June of 2019 I will be working with the State of Hawaii on a two day workshop and series of meetings to advance Resilience planning for the islands. Following last years work in the USVI with HHS and a consortium of schools that produced the Hazard Mitigation Plan training sessions and courses are being written for training on the island. Much of the work done here in New York regarding policy, rebuilding and technical bulletins are being shared to assist in next steps of mitigation and preparedness as evidenced in the 2019 New York Hazard Mitigation Plan. 

I am also working with the Kalinago (first people) on the island of Dominica as their Nation has pledged to become the first 100% energy independent, sustainable nation in the world. I will be advising the communities on the island this summer as well as assisting in training people how to rebuild their structures in a more resilient way. Our goal is to serve this community so the can develop a circular sustainable economy and teach others around the globe. The United Nations has signed on to help this nation achieve its goals; we will be keen to align our efforts with the UN New Urban Agenda Guidelines.

Over this period I have participated in many conferences, charrettes (community drawing sessions) and organized information lectures for the public at large in the post-disaster era around the country. I have been called on to serve as a source of information by the many organizations and community groups. I chaired a group that is evaluated Governor Cuomo’s 2100 plan and Led the Post Sandy initiative workshops at the AIA New York which has published a 44 page document for the general public along with city agencies to move forward in reconstruction and reimagining our future for the city. I have contributed to several publications from City Government, National organizations and Not-for-profits governing how we build for future disturbances and storms. Many of these are now Policy in New York City and considered best practices throughout the country and I am assisting in exporting those to areas affected by Hurricane Harvey and Maria in 2017.

In addition to being a certified trainer for Hurriplan training through NDPTC – National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, a FEMA supported program to teach community leaders about all aspects of Hurricane planning. Of note I have delivered this course at City Tech on three occasions, and plan to make this an annual event for faculty, students and professionals alike. Additionally I have also taken FEMA IS-100 and IS-700 certificate courses in support of my expertise in disaster preparedness and response. 

This last year I became a certified trainer for ATC 20 and ATC 45 CalEMA damage assessment, this allows professionals to become second responders following disasters to assist in assessing the safety of structures and get people safely back in their homes. To date and have trained over 600 design professionals in the state of New York including several faculty members here at City Tech. Lastly in this category, I recently completed the New York Department of State CEDAR training for post disaster assessment of buildings and Incident Command specific for New York State. Following the training the Department of State encouraged me to become a CEDAR trainer. I completed my training to assist the department of State at the beginning of 2017. 

In my professional society (AIA) I am part of the National Think tank of architects that engages the future and subjects relevant to the profession long-term. In our meetings in DC in 2017 we specifically looked at the New Urban Agenda, an international document on meeting housing needs around the world. Meetings with community leaders to discuss how the architecture profession plays a significant role in the future of our communities. Many of my recent continuing education credits are in alignment with my research into resilience, disaster relief and reconstruction as well as the fact that I am a recognized leader of the recovery efforts in the City of New York and the region. 

In spite of COVID-19, over the last Year (2020-21) I have accumulated 29 Continuing Learning Units including 21 HSW – Health Safety and Welfare credits. Architects in New York State are to have a minimum of 12 Credits a year, 18 minimum to belong to the AIA as a professional society.

Recently, I received Continuing Education credits from many of the AIA Unified Task Force efforts aligned with education and recovery surrounding the pandemic. 

Below is a breakdown of my continuing education credits transcript. (LINK) 

Subjects include: COVID Response, Working With NYCHA, Resilient planning and adaptation

Along with my volunteer commitments to the community regarding Post Sandy recovery, pro-bono work with the Hau’ula Community, USVI and the Kalinago people, I volunteer with the Local cub scout pack 22 in park slope and with youth sports SFX assisting in coaching flag football.


• Speaker Back to the future workplace, AIA Unified Crisis Task Force. Three sessions The schedule for the series is as follows:

Part 1 – The Big Picture: April 27, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EDT, VIEW HERE

Part 2 – Back to the Office…The Near and Now: May 4, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EDT

Part 3 – The Future of Offices: May 11, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EDT, Vimeo: VIEW HERE

  • Speaker, AIACA Climate Action Webinar | October 22, 2020 | Design for Economy, VIEW HERE

• NYIT R-Cubed Symposium, Relief x Reconstruction x Resiliency, Moderator Session 3: Afterward + Long-term Response – Success in Response . April 16, 2021 VIEW HERE

• Speaker, Water front Conference, Waterfront Alliance NYC, May 10,12 & 14, 2021 VIEW HERE


  • Speaker, Cool Streets : a conversation towards action, Center for Resilient Cities and Landscape  June 8, 2020 VIEW HERE

Founder AIA Unified Crisis Task Force NEED to LINK As the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged the world at large in March 2020, New York’s architects stood ready to help. While a public health and safety issue, the COVID-19 pandemic completely transformed the way we lived, shutting down offices and businesses and transforming our relationship to our streets and even to our homes. I formed and led this effort.

Community Design Challenge series

  • Speaker, AIA Unified Crisis Task Force, Redefining the Street: A Community Design Collaboration, listening session I community leaders, webinar 8.24.2020 VIEW HERE
  • Speaker, AIA Unified Crisis Task Force, Redefining the Street: A Community Design Collaboration, listening session II community leaders, webinar 11.18.2020 VIEW HERE
  • Speaker, AIA Unified Crisis Task Force, Redefining the Street: A Community Design Collaboration, Expert Panel, webinar 9.23.2020 VIEW HERE
  • Speaker, Reimagining New York, Health, and Wellness in the Built Environment, AIA Unified Crisis Task Force, webinar 05.21.2020. VIEW HERE

• Speaker and Panelist, “My Story,” AIA Grassroots Plenary session, New Orleans, 02.2020

  • Keynote, 4D! Building Resilient and Sustainable Communities, AIA Long Island Presidential Inauguration, 01.2020 
  • Speaker, AIA CA Climate Action Webinar Series | Design for Economy, Webinar, Nov 11, 2020
  • Speaker, Forefront Leadership Act 2: Civic Leadership & Empowerment: A Conversation With Mayors & Architects, date needed, VIEW HERE

• (peer review) Session Accepted, “Rethinking our Urban footprint” A’20 convention Los Angeles June, 2020 (cancelled due to COVID) 

• (peer review) Session Accepted, “Keep Safe” A’20 convention Los Angeles June, 2020 (cancelled due to COVID)

2019 Invited Speaking and Lecture

  • Key Note, 4D! Building Resilient capacity through leadership, advocacy & community, Honolulu HI. June 2019 VIEW HERE

• Key Note, Responding to Long Term Change Through Positive Adaption, Omaha NE. Aug. 2019

• AIA disaster assistance conference, Oct. 22-23, 2019 Washington DC

• Speaker, Buildings of Excellence Launch, Building Energy Exchange, NYSERDA, New York, Oct. 2019

  • Speaker,  Resilient Retrofit: Historic Structures Stand the Test of Time, AIA Houston, Oct. 23, 2019 VIEW HERE
  • Speaker, UN Climate week, Creating Resilient Cities, Archadia Earth & Oceanic global 9-17-19 VIEW HERE

• USVI post Dorian hazard Mitigation workshop 9-12-19

• Speaker, “City of Tomorrow City”, 92Y and Hundred Stories, New York City, March 2019

• University of Michigan, “Big R, little r of resilience”, prof. Kurt Neiswender guest speaker, Nov. 5 2019

  • Release presentation “Keep Safe, a guild to resilient housing for island communities” Center for Architecture New York, Dec. 2019.
  • Speaker/trainer Designing Resilience for Coastal Communities, AIA Honolulu, June 27, 2018, VIEW HERE

• ECOFEST 4th Annual, City tech, Co- Organizer and speaker for this annual event at New York City College of Technology. April 18, 2019. Day long symposium featuring speakers from around the globe]


• (peer review), AIA National Design Conference A’18, Hurricanestrong, June 21, 2018 New York, NY 

• (peer review), AIA National Design Conference A’18, Living by the Numbers, June 23, 2018 NY, NY

• (peer review), to GreenBuild National Conference, Climate adaptive design, Nov. 15, 2018 Chicago IL

Co-presenters Laurie Shoeman National Resilience Director Enterprise, and Mark Ginsberg FAIA Architect Curtis and Ginsberg. Resilience retrofit strategies for Multifamily buildings. 

• (peer review), Chapter on Urban Resilient Strategies 4D!, Routledge Publishing (Release date Oct. 2021)

• (peer review), AIA Oklahoma Blue Print for Better conference, Nov. 8-9 2018, Enid Oklahoma Speaker VIEW HERE

  • Key Note Speaker, AIA IR – International Architecture Conference, “Living by the Numbers, Adaptation” November 2018, Singapore VIEW HERE and HERE

• Key Note Speaker, Adapting Buildings for a Changing Climate Symposium, “Climate Adaptive design for the 21st century” Hosted by NYSERDA and University of Buffalo, Albany New York, Oct. 2018

• CorNet presentation WELL is a new standard certification in the field of sustainability and I was asked by the board of directors for the WELL institute to join and present. 

• Invited Key Note Speaker AIA a queen New York annual meeting AIA Queens keynote speaker for the evening discussing housing and the role of the architect in addressing issues we face in the near future. This is lecture content has been approved by AIA National for those attending to receive credits applied to continuing education credits. The quality of the prevention is examined and proved through application to HSW credits, the most valued by license holders of architecture. Every architect needs 12 credits annually to maintain ones license

• Invited Key Note Speaker AIA West Chester New York annual meeting VIEW HERE Annual AIA component meeting in westChester, keynote speaker for the evening discussing climate change and the role of the architect in addressing issues we face in the near future. This is lecture content has been approved by AIA National for those attending to receive credits applied to continuing education credits. The quality of the prevention is examined and proved through application to HSW credits, the most valued by license holders of architecture. Every architect needs 12 credits annually to maintain ones license.

• Speaker 2030 District AIA New York, Presenting to a crowd of professionals, policy markers and stakeholders from industry and nieghborhoods to advance the 2030 district initiative in NYC. 2030 is a national program driving sustainability and energy savings for communities and nieghborhoods.

• “Living by the Numbers, REACH for the future”, Key Note address AIAS quad conference REACH CUNY – City College April 6 2018

• “Disaster Assistance Handbook Live”, Grassroots Conference, San Diego CA. March 9, 2018

• “My Story Disaster relief”, Grassroots Conference, San Diego CA. March 10, 2018 Retrieved from VIEW HERE

2018 AIA Grassroots: Insights on Influence – BUILT VIEW HERE

• “Drop in the Bucket”, EcoFest, NYCCT (CUNY), Brooklyn NY. March 30, 2018

• “On Resilient Waterfronts”, Brooklyn Waterfront Research Conference, Brooklyn Borough Hall, 4/20/18

• “Scaffolding”, AIA Center for Architecture New York NY, Jan. 4, 2018 Retrieved from VIEW HERE

• Building Resilience: NYC’s Distributed Energy Future, Part 1 – 09.19.2018 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE


• (Blind review)”Climate Adaptive Design, Meeting Housing Needs Through Better Buildings” AIA QUAD state conference, Albany NY.  11/10/17

• (Blind Peer review)”The Business Case for Resilience’ AIA QUAD state conference, Albany NY.  11/10/17

• (Blind review)”Campus as Resilient Island”, University of Buffalo SUNY/PPAA & NYAPPA 2017 Summer Conference July 12, 2017 Buffalo NY.

• (Blind review) “Gimme Shelter! Millions in Need: Design as the Solution”, AIA National Design Conference, Orlando Florida  4/27/17

• (Blind review) ‘The Business Case for Resilience’, AIA National Design Conference, Orlando Florida 4/27/17 (AIAU video publication)

• (Blind review) Resilient Design Workshop, AIA National Design Conference, Orlando Florida 4/27/17 

• “R4! Resilient Residential Retrofit and Rebuild”, for Resilient Connecticut Conference, Bridgeport CT. 12/14/17

• “Big R and Little r of resilience”, for Resilience in Practice program, AIANS, GAF Headquarters, Parsippany, NJ. 11/15/17

• “Big R and Little r of resilience”, East Coast Green Conference, Pennington NJ. June 22nd, 2017 

• “Big R and Little r of resilience, Design is the Answer”, SARA National Conference New York NY. Oct. 20, 2017

• Moderator, “On Sustainability” panel, City and State, Jewish Heritage Museum Sept. 28, 2017, New York NY. Retrieved from VIEW HERE

• “Sustainable vs. Resilient: Conflict, Coexistence and Collaboration”, AIA New York Center for Arch. Feb. 14, 2017

• “Rethinking Our Urban Footprint: Responding to Long Term Change Through Positive Adaption”, New York Build Conference, New York, NY March 15, 2017

• ‘”Living” By the Numbers in the 21st century’: Building a Resilient & Sustainable Future in NYS, Broadcast AIA New York State Advocacy Feb. 10, 2017

• “Living by the Numbers in the 21st Century, Design is the answer” New York Build Conference, NY. NY. 3/16/17


• Invited Workshop Presenter, AIA Leadership Institute, Charleston SC. Nov 4, 2016

• Invited Lecturer, “Living by the Numbers in the 21st Century, Design is the answer” Syracuse University College of Visual and Performing Arts, Oct. 4,2016

• SCUP Conference Panelist: Urban Campus Resilience Symposium, Boston MA Nov. 7, 2016

• Presenter/Industry Expert, Resilience with CHP systems, NYSERDA, PACE and Department of Energy, Millennium Hotel NYC, Sept. 26, 2016

• (Blind Peer review) “Mind the Gap” Symposium, accepted by blind review to 2016 AIA National Convention in  

                Philadelphia PA VIEW HERE

• (Blind Peer review) “Hurriplan” Symposium, accepted by blind review to 2016 AIA National Convention in   

                Philadelphia PA

• Workshop Presenter, NYSERDA Co-Generation and CHP retrofit Strategies May 2016

• Triangulate Toronto Speaker “Living’ by the Numbers in the 21st Century Oct. 6th, 2016

• Speaker Sustainable vs. Resilient: Conflict, Coexistence and Collaboration – Center for Architecture, NYC, May 17, 2016

• Speaker Heat Waves: Preparing for and Managing the Effects of Extreme Heat – Center for Architecture, NYC, April 26, 2016

• Key Note Speaker AIA South Carolina State Resilience Conference “Living By the Numbers South Carolina”, 11/3/16


  • Invited Speaker, “Talking Resilience”, MAS Municipal Arts Society, summit Sept. 29, 2015 VIEW HERE
  •             Speaker “Urban Disaster, Vulnerability and Displacement: Humanitarian Challenges”, summer institute, Fordham University, July 14, 2015

•          Speaker “Ready to Respond: Resiliency Manual for Multifamily Housing Owners”, Launch Event, Enterprise Community Partners, Oct. 29, 2015 

•          (Blind Peer review) Speaker “Reconstruction Best Practices and Workshop”, accepted blind review Oct. 24, 2015 AIA New York State Convention, Saratoga NY. 

•          Invited Speaker, “Japan Post Disaster Recovery; Requirements to Retrofit Spaces for Shelters and Available FEMA Funding”, Mayor’s Office of Resilience And Recovery, Nov. 18, 2015, NYC DCP 

•          Speaker/Organizer “Historic Buildings and Districts at Risk”, April 22, 2015, Center for Architecture NYC

  •             (Blind Peer review) Presenter “HURRIPLAN: Training for Resilient Building Design” AIA National Convention, May 13, 2015, Atlanta GA. 
  •         Organizer/Speaker “Climate Change and Key Policy Decisions: A conversation with Cynthia Rosenzweig”, May 18 2015, Center for Architecture NYC
  •         Organizer/Speaker “Cybersecurity 101: How to Protect Your Data, Drawings and Designs” Sept. 10, 2015 Center for Architecture NYC

•          (Blind Peer review) Speaker “Don’t Practice Just Play! Alternative Practice and Management Realized” Symposium, May 16, 2015 AIA National Convention, Atlanta 

• (Blind Peer review) Presenter “Gimme Shelter” Symposium, May 15, 2015 AIA National Convention, Atlanta 

• (Blind Peer review) Presenter “Mind the Gap” Symposium, May 14, 2015 AIA National Convention, Atlanta

•           Speaker, “What does Recovery Look Like? Japan 4 years after” IPPO x 365 x 4, Lafroy Brooke’s Showroom, Mar. 11, 2015 NYC  

• (Blind Peer review) Speaker “Regional Recovery Working Group” Symposium, May 14, 2015 AIA Nat. Convention Atlanta


• (Blind Peer review) “Mind the Gap” Symposium, to be presented at the AIANYS Design Conference Oct. 8-10 2014, Saratoga New York 

• (Blind Peer review) “Mind the Gap” Symposium, AIA National Convention in Chicago IL June 23rd, 2014

• (Blind Peer review) “Hurriplan” Symposium, AIA National Convention in Chicago IL June 21st, 2014

• Invited Speaker Enterprise’s Resilience Speakers Series, Multifamily Housing, April 29th, 2014 New York VIEW HERE

• (Blind Peer review) Two design projects selected Annual Design exhibition at the Center for Emerging professionals in Washington DC, AIA National Headquarters March-April 2014

• Invited Speaker National Hurricane Conference, “Resilience Revolution”, Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Orlando Florida, April 14-17, 2014

•   Invited Speaker, Future Now Summit, New York City Center for Architecture Part 1 – 9.13.14 VIEW HERE


• Speaker/Presenter TEDxNYIT, We are not Alone, Oct. 10, 2013 (Video)

• Invited Speaker, Higher Ground, BUAS University of Applied Sciences Bern, Brooklyn Navy Yard, June 26, 2013

• Invited Speaker, MAS – Municipal Arts Society, Resiliency Roundtable Series December 19, 1013

• Invited Speaker, Raise or Stay Lecture, ORLI at steel case, April 25 2013

• Invited Speaker, Conversation with Dan Zarrilli, Director of Resilience at the Mayors Office, Center for Architecture 

NYC, November 8, 2013

• Invited Speaker, Keeping it Together: Thriving After Sandy Panelist for CERF+ Craft Emergency Relief Fund. November 23, 2013

• Invited Speaker, Super Storm Sandy One Year Anniversary, “The design communities response”, Copper Union, Oct. 14, 2013, Architecture for Humanity



• Invited Speaker, Future Now Summit Emerging New York Architects, AIA NYC, Sept 22, 2012

• Invited Guest lecture at Pratt Institute, Futures rebuilding Japan project, Fall 2012

• Invited as 2012 NEA – National Endowment of the Arts grants jury pool

PROMOTION LINE______________________________________________________________________

• Invited Speaker, DDC talks “VisioNYC 2080: Toward a Risk Resilient City” with Klaus Jacob, March 14, 2012

• Invited Respondent panelist, “climate Change: inevitable challenges and new opportunities”, Feb. 17, 2012 VIEW HERE


• Invited Speaker, VisioNYC 2080: Towards a Risk-Resilient City – 10.6.11 on Vimeo VIEW HERE

Event Organizer and presenter


• RE-IMAGINING SCHOOL DESIGN, AIA New York State four part conference series. April 9, 16, 23, 30, 2021


  • Invited Speaker, TORCH Mentorship Program: Forging Your Path – 04.21.2021 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

• Organizer and speaker AIA DfRR – Design for Risk and Reconstruction committee (Chair), Fight or Flight conference series, this is a five part series in partnership with the Mayors Office of Resilience NYC. Surfacing managed retreat and responses to climate change on our urban living patterns.  (Five of six sessions)

2021 Global Architecture Exchanges: The future of cities – Topic 2, Session 1, NYIT, July 27, 2021 VIEW HERE


  • ECOFEST 5th Annual International Symposium, Co-organizer and speaker, CUNY/New York City College of Technology, Earth Day – 04.22.2020. Day long online symposium featuring speakers from around the globe.
  • Organizer and instructor for SAP – Safety Assessment Program, Cal-OES certification. Training dates completed in 2020.  Sept 18-19, 2020 SEoNY, and with AIA New York State Oct. 2-3, Oct. 23-24, May 29-30

• Organizer and speaker AIA DfRR – Measure for Measure: A Discussion of Resilience Plans for the Tri-state Area, Co-chair, Design for Risk & Reconstruction Committee, AIANY Center for Architecture, New York, NY, 01.2020

  • Organizer and speaker AIA DfRR – Design for Risk and Reconstruction committee (Chair), Fight or Flight conference series, this is a six part series in partnership with the Mayors Office of Resilience NYC. Surfacing managed retreat and responses to climate change on our urban living patterns.                                                                
  • Organizer and Speaker NYCHA webinars: I was instrumental in identifying as key participants to develop the design strategies for NYCHA properties. The workshops considered the essential questions in the current time: What does a resilient, sustainable and equitable future look like for public housing in 2050. The outcomes of this workshop will be published by the city of New York, framing the development of the Next Generation NYCHA Resiliency Agenda, a 10-year plan to coordinate capital, policy, and engagement for climate resilience. Lessons Learned from the Hurricane Sandy Recovery & Resiliency Program Three sessions with Professionals, Citytech Students, Faculty and City agencies. July 21, 30, and August 6, 2020. VIEW HERE

Founder AIA Unified Crisis Task Force NEED to LINK As the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged the world at large in March 2020, New York’s architects stood ready to help. While a public health and safety issue, the COVID-19 pandemic completely transformed the way we lived, shutting down offices and businesses and transforming our relationship to our streets and even to our homes. I formed and led this effort. Below are recorded events.

AIANYS blueprint for better post Covid AIA Unified Crisis Task Force (Video Release 7/21) VIEW HERE

AIA Unified Crisis Task ForceReimagining New York, Health, and Wellness in the Built Environment 05.21.2020 VIEW HERE

AIA Unified Crisis Task Force, Safe Buildings – A Discussion on Air & Water Quality and Design Strategies VIEW HERE

AIA Unified Crisis Task Force, Community Design Challenge: Expert Panel 09.23.2020 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

AIA Unified Crisis Task Force Community Design Challenge: Expert Panel – 09.03.2020 VIEW HERE


• SAP Cal EMA Safety Assessment Program training AIANYS CUNY City College March 31, 2019, this training enables design professionals, building officials and similarly qualified persons to go into the field after a disaster and conduct rapid building assessment for safety. Deployments are part of the national response network through EMAC and FEMA. Impact of this training across the country is profound as increasing numbers of volunteers with this certification are needed. Since 2012 I have trained over 400 design professionals and city officials. (See attached)

• Climate Change and Health through the Lens of the Built Environment – 07.17.2019 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

• Envisioning a Resilient Future for New York’s Public Housing, NYCHA, ASLA, AIA, April 5 2019, Center for 

Architecture. View HERE


  • Co-Organizer Funding the Future of Jamaica Bay, NPCA with Design for Risk and Reconstruction, AIANY, June 7, 2018 VIEW HERE 
  •             Co-Organizer, Funding the Future Workshop: Resilience Planning Across Public & Private Sectors – 11.09.2018 – collaboration with ULI/NPCA Resilient Waterfront financing, Design for Risk and Reconstruction VIEW HERE

• NYCHA housing workshop, Design for Risk and Reconstruction and City agencies,       , Dec. 2018

• Organizer and instructor for SAP – Safety Assessment Program, Cal-OES certification. Center for Architecture, NYC 2018

  • Organizer and instructor for SAP – Safety Assessment Program, Cal-OES certification. Albany NY, 2018

• Envisioning a Resilient Future for New York’s Public Housing, NYCHA, ASLA, AIA, Global Archive,  Nov. 30 

2018, Center for Architecture. VIEW HERE

• Responsive Scaffolding: Emergency Relief – 01.04.2018 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

• Building Resilience: NYC’s Distributed Energy Future, Part 1 – 09.19.2018 VIEW HERE


• Co-organizer and participant, Practice Innovation Lab, Summit 25 YAF  – Young Architects Forum Summit Washington DC, July 2017

• Co-organizer – Everything Water 4.0: The Role of Water in Shaping Our Future, AIA New York Center for Architecture 10/25/17

• Organizer and Speaker, “Water 2.0: Neighborhoods Adapting to Climate Change” AIA New York Center for Architecture April 5, 2017.  VIEW HERE


• Co-organizer, Volunteering After a Disaster, Symposium, AIANY DfRR, Sept. 2016 day long event, coordinator and speaker. The series, Stand Up! How to Be a Part of the Solution After Disaster Part 1 of 3 – 09.10.2016 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

• Stand Up! How to Be a Part of the Solution after Disaster Part 1 of 3 – 09.10.2016 VIEW HERE

• Stand Up! How to Be a Part of the Solution after Disaster Part 2 of 3 – 09.10.2016 VIEW HERE

• Stand Up! How to Be a Part of the Solution after Disaster Part 3 of 3 – 09.10.2016 VIEW HERE

• Speaker, Sustainable vs Resilient Conflict, Coexistence and Collaboration – 5.17.16 – Center for Architecture  VIEW HERE  


• Extreme Heat Hot Cities Symposium, three part series, AIANY – City Tech day long simulcast event, Co-organizer with Anne Marie Sowder (City Tech) and Lance Jay Brown (City College) Nov. 2015 VIEW HERE



• Extreme Heat Hot Cities Symposium, Publication, AIANY – City Tech, Co-organizer with Anne Marie Sowder (City Tech) and Lance Jay Brown, FAIA (City College) May 16, 2016


Publication download

• Healthcare Facilities: Sustainability, Resilience and Mitigation – 06.10.15 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

• Climate Change and Key Policy Decisions: A Conversation with Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig – 05.18.15 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

• Cybersecurity 101: How to Protect Your Data, Designs, and Drawings – 09.10.15 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE

• Historic Buildings and Districts at Risk – 04.22.15 – Center for Architecture VIEW HERE


• Road to Resiliency: The State of Recovery, Now and in the Future, with Daniel Zarrilli – 6.11.14 VIEW HERE

• Grow: Practice, Profession, and Career: Cultivating the Next Generation of Architectural Leaders 

AM Session Part I – 11.9.14 VIEW HERE

• Grow: Practice, Profession, and Career: Cultivating the Next Generation of Architectural Leaders 

AM Session Part II – 11.9.14 VIEW HERE

• Grow: Practice, Profession, and Career: Cultivating the Next Generation of Architectural Leaders 

      PM Session Part I – 11.9.14VIEW HERE

AIA Regional Recovery working Group

After the devastation of Superstorm Sandy in October 2012, the Northeast region of the United States faced a monumental coordination challenge. State, local, and community organizations in 24 affected states struggled to come up with fast, effective, and non- duplicative response and recovery initiatives. At the time, there was no regional coordination among states and governing bodies, highlighting a powerful need for strong leadership. I formed this group across a 4 state region creating a highly collaborative team that set policy for recovery and aided in overall coordination and recovery. 

• AIA Regional Recovery Working Group Conference Organizer July 9, 2013 Newark New Jersey.

Program LINK

• AIA Regional Recovery Working Group Conference Organizer March 31, 2014 NYIT – Old Westbury NY. 



NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 01 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 02 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 03 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 04 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 05 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 06 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 07 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 08 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 09 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 10 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 11 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 12 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 13 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 14 VIEW HERE

NYIT / AIA Post Sandy Regional Recovery Working Group – 16 VIEW HERE

• AIA Regional Recovery Working Group Conference Organizer July 7, 2014 Farleigh Dickenson College, Madison NJ.

PRESS Real estate Weekly VIEW HERE

• Organizer/Presenter Getting Regional Power to the People: Solutions, Strategies, and Case Studies –  10.29.14 – PACE UNIVERSITY, NYC VIEW HERE 

• Organizer/Presenter Who’s Going To Pay For This, Part 2 – Center for Architecture, NYC 1.29.14 VIEW HERE


• Organizer/Presenter Designing For Flood Risk – 6.18.13 – Center for Architecture, NYC VIEW HERE

• Organizer/Presenter New York At Risk: On The Waterfront – -Center for Architecture, NYC 4.21.13 VIEW HERE

• Presenter Future Of The City Symposium: Part 2 – 5.11.13 – Center for Architecture, NYC VIEW HERE

• Presenter NYC’s Post-Sandy Recovery: How’re We Doin? – 2.13.13 – Center for Architecture, NYC VIEW HERE


• Organizer/Presenter Trends in Response to Natural Disaster, AIA New York Center for Architecture 

April 22 2012

• Organizer/Presenter ‘Freeboard’ Design Charrette, post sandy initiative, AIA New York Center for Architecture, March 23, 2012

• Organizer/Presenter Climate Change: Inevitable Challenges and Potential Opportunities, Center for Architecture New York, January 23, 2012


• The Responsibility of Resilience with Illya Azaroff by Michael Riscica, Oct 23, 2019, Podcast LISTEN HERE

• [004] – Purpose Driven Practice | Practice of Architecture, Practice Disrupted, July 9, 2020, Podcast  LISTEN HERE

• How to design your Resilient and Sustainable dream house with Illya Azaroff, AIA hosted by Podcast design your own dream home LISTEN HERE

• Architect magazine profile Illya Azaroff AIA, October 1, 2018

• (Webcast) “R4!”, Open architecture collaborative AIA National Housing Knowledge Committee, August 14, 2017. Retrieved from VIEW HERE

• FEMA Facebook Broadcast and interview Hurricane Strong House, 4/12/17 VIEW HERE

• Architect Live Broadcast, “Design for Risk Reduction” Illya Azaroff, June 26th, 2014

• AIA National Convention Podcast, Illya Azaroff Interviewed by Michael Crosbie FAIA, June 27th, 2014

Articles, Reports, Broadcast and published Interviews


• City Tech professor recognized as leading expert for Resilience 21 Coalition, The Ticker  byRachel Dalloo

February 25, 2021 VIEW HERE

• Interview in, 5 critical ways to protect cities from disastrous flooding. The FastCompany, by ELISSAVETA M. BRANDON 09-10-21 VIEW HERE

HUD Resilience Guide for Builders and Developers, policy publication HUD National Working group Home Innovations Research Labs. Represents a year long engagement with national experts from multiple sectors. Jan 20, 2021 team sunset and documents are now completed for HUD. VIEW HERE

    • IMPACT actively Changing policy for the building industry in the United state. 

Member of Residential Resiliency Guide – Advisory Group,


Voting Members (are only the Advisory Group) include:

CHAIR, Randy Noel, MIRM, CGB, CMP, of REVE, Inc., a leading single-family builder from LaPlace, La.



  • Anne Anderson, SE, Green Mountain Structural Engineering, Camas, WA
  • Heather Anesta, PE, SE, Anesta Consulting, Delray Beach, FL
  • Illya Azaroff, AIA, +LAB Architect, NYCCT – CUNY, Brooklyn, NY
  • Dr. Henry Burton, SE, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
  • Matthew Cooper, PE, PEG, LLC, Fairfax, VA
  • Andrew Kollar, AIA, Fused Studios, Lowell, MA
  • Darlene Rini, PE, Jensen Hughes, Los Angeles, CA
  • James Williams, AIA, PE, JMWA, Inc., South Jordan, UT



  • Francis Babineau, Johns Manville, Littleton, CO
  • Daniel Buckley, Garney Construction, Kansas City, MO
  • Michael Chandler, Chandler Design-Build Inc., Mebane, NC
  • Julia Donoho, AIA, Esq., Homebound Technologies, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA
  • Michael Funk, David Weekley Homes, Houston, TX
  • Maria Hernandez, H&H Design and Construction, Inc., Weston, FL
  • Elizabeth Miller, Camden Property Trust, Houston, TX
  • William Sanderson, Urban Community Developers, Inc., Covington, KY
  • Lisa Stephens, Saigebrook Development, LLC, Weatherford, TX
  • Frank Thompson, Sweetwater Builders, Cranberry Township, PA
  • Dr. Theresa Weston, DuPont, Richmond, VA



  • Michael Blanford, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Washington, DC
  • Dana Bres, PE, HUD-Retired Disaster Mitigation Expert, Washington, DC
  • Nicholas Crossley, Hamilton County Emergency Management, Cincinnati, OH
  • Melissa Deas, District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment, City Climate Resilience Program, Washington, DC
  • Milton “Greg” Grew, AIA, CBO, Town of East Hartford Department of Inspections and Permits, East Hartford, CT
  • Dr. Therese P. McAllister, National Institute of Standards & Technology, Washington, DC
  • Amanda Siok, FEMA, Region 10-Earthquake, Tsunami & Volcano, Bothell, WA
  • Dana Sjostrom, CFM, Memphis-Shelby County Division of Planning and Development, Memphis, TN
  • Nancy Springer, CBO, Sacramento County Office of Development and Code Services, Sacramento, CA
  • Kristopher Stenger, AIA, City of Winter Park Building and Permitting Services, Winter Park, FL
  • Russell Strickland, Maryland Emergency Management Agency, Reisterstown, MD
  • Meghan Walsh, AIA, USDA Rural Development/Auburn University, Washington, DC

– (I.Azaroff) Role on the overall advisory group for the documents and placement on two working groups on Fire, Water and Wind.


• Interview, Featured in, How the Design of Natural-Disaster Relief Is Complicated by the Pandemic

By Alyssa Giacobbe, Architecture Digest, Sept. 11 2020, VIEW HERE

  • Featured in, Homes Designed to Keep Heat In Are Now Struggling to Cool Down

In many parts of the world, ‘too hot’ was never a concern before now., Bloomberg News, byJess Shankleman, Sept. 3, 2020 VIEW HERE

  • Featured in, Graphic advisories for COVID safe environments. Advisor and AIA Unified Crisis Task Force Chair, UB architecture students use design to help mitigate spread of COVID-19 in NYC, By RACHEL TEAMAN, Dec. 8 2020, VIEW HERE
  • Citizen Architect Illya Azaroff AIA, From American Institute of Architects, VIEW HERE
  • Interview featured in, NYC’s coastline could be underwater by 2100. Why are we still building there? By Emily Nonko, Curbed NY, Jan 2, 2020  VIEW HERE
  • Interview, A Call to Arms, Operation PPE creates 3D-printed equipment for the COVID-19 front lines, By Matt Hickman • Architects News Paper, April 3, 2020 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, Coronavirus Upends NYC Open Houses in Latest Blow to Soft Market – BNN Bloomberg VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, After the Pandemic, What’s Next for the Building Industry? | BuildingGreen  VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, Health Care Designers Educate, Advise, Warn During COVID-19 Crisis, ENR News, March 24, 2020

Nadine M. Post, VIEW HERE

  • Interview, How NYC architects are 3D printing protective gear to help local hospitals, Curbed NY, By Caroline Spivack Apr 10, 2020 VIEW HERE
  • National Spokes person, Blue print for better campaign, AIA National VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, Oculus Magazine, Summer 2020, AIA New York, Covid issue VIEW HERE  and At the Center Oculus Summer 2020 VIEW HERE


  • Featured in, Forbes Realestate and Architecture Year in Review, by Benda Richardson, Dec. 13, 2019 VIEW HERE and HERE
  • Featured in, Seaport Section Remains Big Question Mark in NYC’s Flood Control Plans , By Neil deMause, November 6, 2019 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, Battling a Flooded Future, Architect Magazine, by Anthony Paletta, July 2, 2019 VIEW HERE
  • Interview, NYC Sea Rise Resiliency or Retreat, Citylimits, By Neil deMause, Apr. 17, 2019 VIEW HERE
  • Interview, Building Lightning Safe Communities: An Architect’s Perspective, June 6, 2019, VIEW HERE

Professional work, All Hazard Hurricane Strong home adopted by New York City as next generation of housing, Changing policy and now a global teaching tool. 

Illya’s overriding project goal was to change federal policy in post-disaster housing recovery to meet the challenges of the 21st century, creating a high- performance prototype that demonstrates that resilient, sustainable homes are cost-effective and attainable for everyone. The replacement of the family home of a client who lost her house during Superstorm Sandy in October 2012 was the project that made this possible. 

To create this new housing pilot project, Illya and his team brought together an innovative team of multiple industry partners such as the Portland Concrete Association (PCA), Simpson Strongtie, BASF, not- for-profit organizations such as the Federal Alliance of Safe Homes (FLASH), and New York City agencies Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), the Mayor’s Office of Resiliency (MOR), and the Office of Emergency Management (OEM). That collaboration, along with the house itself, demonstrated new ways of thinking about housing and climate change. Huricane Strong Home Azaroff VIEW HERE

  • Featured in, The Future of Resilience and Sustainability, Wired magazine, By Brand lab, June 2019 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in Commerce and finance, Welcome to the home of the future in a time of climate change By: Bloomberg News May 27, 2019 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in Architects and Artisans VIEW HERE
  • Featured in The independent VIEW HERE
  • Featured in Gothamist VIEW HERE
  • Featured in National Home builders association VIEW HERE
  • Featured in Tyler morning Telegraph VIEW HERE 
  • Featured in Przegrzewające się domy. Nowy problem dla mieszkańcĂłw i deweloperĂłw –  VIEW HERE
  • Featured in New York : objectif zĂŠro ĂŠmission de CO2 – The Good Life VIEW HERE
  • Featured in Rebuilding and protecting us, one building at a time • Brooklyn Paper VIEW HERE


  • AIA Resilience courses AIAU launch, developed the courses for AIA national certificate. I was instrumental in the creation of these courses and the overall adoption of resilience in the AIA national organizations framework. my role as strategic council committee chair on Policy and resilience created a framework through a year long study that was adopted by the board of directors. Following I was given the role of Chair of the Board Knowledge Committee and tasked with moving the initiatives surrounding creating courses and professional certification in Resilience. I contributed directly to 3 of the 9 courses including:

•Existing Buildings: Hazard Mitigation Retrofits

•Professional Risk and the Business Case for Resilience

•Community Design & Engagement for Resilience

  • Featured in, In the Face of Disaster, Architects Are Redesigning Their Role, Houzz, Gwendolyn Purdom Nov. 15, 2018 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, Creating a Blueprint for Better, Architect Magazine, By Caitlin Reagan, Oct. 1, 2018 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, Brownsville Brooklyn, City Tech News, April 18, 2018 VIEW HERE
  • Interview, Rebuilding Resilient Communities After Natural Disasters, gb&d Magazine, BY SCOTT FRANK MAY 11, 2018 VIEW HERE
  • Interview, Ernest Hemingway’s Florida home is ready to withstand its 168th hurricane season, Popular Science Magazine, June 1, 2018 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in, AIA Supports Disaster Recovery Reform, POSTED BY: RETROFIT MAGAZINE EDITOR, Retrofit Magaizne, JULY 16, 2018 VIEW HERE

•  Interview Popular Science, Ernest Hemingway’s Florida home is ready to withstand its 168th hurricane season, June 1, 2018 Retrieved from  VIEW HERE

•  Interview on AIANJ, New Jersey Takes Action, Retrieved from blog VIEW HEREfrom-new-executive-order-that-exposes-government-infrastructure-to-flood-risk/

•  Interview, Behind the Book AIA 2017 Disaster Relief Handbook, Metropolis Magazine, July 12, 2017 VIEW HERE

•  Interview, by John Caulfield, “Rebuild retreat or resist”, Building Design and Construction, Oct. 18, 2017 VIEW HERE

•  Interview, by John Caulfield, “Cities weigh relocations as part of their defenses against natural disasters”, Building Design and Construction Magazine, OCTOBER 18, 2017 |JOHN CAULFIELD, SENIOR EDITOR VIEW HERE

•  Featured in UB architecture students use design to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in NYC – Coronavirus – University at Buffalo By RACHEL TEAMAN Published December 8, 2020 VIEW HERE


  • Featured in Global Cities Adapt to Sealevel Rise, CityScape Magazine Fall 2017 VIEW HERE
  • Interview on AIANJ, “Sandy +5”, October 29, 2017, from blog VIEW HERE
  • Interview on AIANJ, New Jersey Takes Action, Retrieved from blog 2017/08/

• Interview, Behind the Book AIA 2017 Disaster Relief Handbook, Metropolis Magazine, July 12, 2017

• Interview, “Rebuild retreat or resist”, Building Design and Construction, by John Cauleld, Oct. 18, 2017

  • Interview, “Cities weigh relocations as part of their defenses against natural disasters”, Building Design and Construction Magazine, by John Cauleld, OCTOBER 18, 2017 VIEW HERE
  • Interview, Resilient Design in Action: Diverse Approaches in a Complex Landscape, Architect Magazine, by Ian Spula, March ,27, 2017


  • Resilience Roundtable, Moderator, AIANYS Design Conference, Saratoga New York Oct. 10, 2016 (Video Broadcast)

•  Interview for The Extreme-Weather Defense Nobody Wants (LINK), Bloomberg-Jul 11, 2016

•  Interview for When Will New York City Sink? (LINK), New York Magazine-Sep 7, 2016


• Featured in Reframing Resilience , AIA National Disaster Assistance Committee, Oct. 16, 2015, Washington DC. VIEW HERE

• Featured in “Safe and Sound”, pgs. 54-59, Visual Arts Journal, School of Visual Arts, Fall 2015

  • Featured in CityScape Magazine Global Cities Adapt to Sealevel Rise, 2015 VIEW HERE
  • Featured in Connections Magazine 13.03 by AIA Young Architects Forum – issuu VIEW HERE


• Featured in Article Spotlight on Emerging Professionals, AIA New York State E-News, by Stephanie Quirini March 2014

• Featured in Article 2014 AIA Young Architects Award, Arch daily May 13 2014, Rosenfield, Karissa VIEW HERE

• Featured in Article The AIA Announces the 2014 AIA Young Architects Award Winners, Architect Magazine Jan. 24, 2014 By STAFF VIEW HERE and VIEW HERE

• Interview for article, “Reconstructing the Empire State”, pgs. 4-5 Architecture New York State Volume 7 Issue one, spring 2014


• Interview “Learning from Rebuilding: Illya Azaroff “ Architect Magazine October 11, 2013 by Hallie Busta VIEW HERE

• Featured in, AIA Design for Risk and Reconstruction Committee Co-Chair Illya Azaroff on Hurricane Sandy, 

Architect Magazine, By HALLIE BUSTA October 11, 2013 VIEW HERE

  • Interview for article, Sandy Clean-up “Enormous” one year on, by Agence France-Presse, Global Post, Oct. 2013
  • Featured in Article, Disaster Recovery Expert Helps Prepare New Yorkers for Hurricane Season1-Aug-2013, by New York City College of Technology  VIEW HERE

• Featured in Article “A Platform of Promise”, Leadership Profile, Connections Magazine Sept 27, 2013 YAF


• Featured in Article; City Tech students help prospect heights school design a new library, Brooklyn Daily Eagle 2/5/09

• Photos featured in, Architectural Trespassing, Dwell Magazine, By Aaron Britt, OCt. 16, 2009 VIEW HERE

• Work included as part of Theatrical Space exhibition, Center Gallery at Lincoln Center, Oct. – Nov. 2009 NYC

• Creator and Curator, Design Excellence Roundtable 2, AIA Center for Architecture 2009

• Research work displayed -ASCA southeast regional conference. Savannah GA. “Architecture as a thing of Art”, Nov. 2009

Reports and Publications 


A.Parris, J. Barnes, N.Kyrkjebo, I.Azaroff, Rapid Research and Assessment on COVID-19 and Climate in New York City, J Extreme Events, Vol. 7, No. 3 (2021) 2150010 (34 pages) VIEW HERE

  • Contributor to Who Cares About Energy Codes? The Architects Guide to New York City’s aggressive carbon reduction code. BE-EX Building Energy Exchange, 2021 VIEW HERE
  • Contributor to Flood Resilience at NYCHA, Memorializing Lessons Learned Through the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Recovery Program. OCT. 2021 VIEW REPORT —   The climate adaptation plan is accompanied by two supporting reports, one focusing on NYCHA’s trees and one on flood resilience strategies–the work from those AIA workshops with Sandy program participants is incorporated there.
  • Contributor to Urban Forest A Vital Resource for New York City Capital Projects Division October 2021 VIEW REPORT
    • These report contains recommendations and elements from the public workshops with NYCHA, AIA and City Tech. 
  • Contributor to Climate Change at NYCHA A Plan to Adapt, OCT. 2021 VIEW REPORT in the goal “prepare for additional hazards” we mention your study where we discuss the strategy: Seek Opportunities to Mitigate Risks Related to Outside Services.
    • This report contains work from the NSF collaborative grant with city tech as referenced in the grants section of this PARSe


  • I. Azaroff, Dominica’s Indigenous Innovation, 2019 Highlights RocaGallery, Roca Sanitario, P.60-63, 2019 VIEW HERE
  • I.Azaroff, A.M. Sowder and L. Brown Extreme Heat Hot Cities, Publication AIANY, May 16, 2016 Publication download

• Subject Matter Expert for the 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan NYC (release 2019) essential policy and planning document for New York City that informs the direction of the city. My role as a subject matter expert was to inform and contribute to the process and information to create the plan. In addition sections were reviewed. VIEW HERE First Pilot cities have begun in 2021 OaklandPark – ANCR VIEW HERE

• Subject Matter Expert for ANCR – Alliance for National & Community Resilience,  ANCR community benchmarking VIEW APPOINTMENT HERE Community Resilience Benchmarking guidelines (released Jan 2019) now in use across the country as an essential tool (and first of its kind) for communities to understand their Resilience rating and how to improve overall resiliency for their community. The impact of this tool will be profound in elevating communities to new resilience standards and ultimately save lives. VIEW HERE

• Subject Matter Expert for the 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan US Virgin Islands (release 2019)

Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Workshop, (VI-EPSCoR) Virgin Islands Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research and (CGTC) Caribbean Green Technology Center, St. Thomas June 14-15, 2018

HHS assigned me to work on the HMP for USVI as a leading expert in the US on resilient building measures and capacity building for communities. The HMP is required document that sets policy for the islands and unlocks future federal Hazard Mitigation funds and relief resources following future storms. The HMP is written every 5 years.

• Keep Safe, a guide to Resilient housing for Island Communities, Enterprise Green Communities, Publication released 2019. Expert advisor, contributor and editor to this essential guide that is being adopted by FEMA as how to rebuild in Puerto Rico after the 2017 hurricane season that devastated the island. This is a significant amount of work that will have long lasting policy and social impact design for the communities on the island. (See attached letter) VIEW HERE

• Work Featured,  Conception résiliente : Savoir lire le risque, Esquisses magazine, pp. 32-34, by Emlie Laperrière Printemps 2019 | Vol. 30 no 1g. VIEW HERE


• Testifying as industry expert National Preparedness Month, Washington DC. before Members of Congress on Resilient building measures and policy. March 15, 2018. 

Impact influencing the trajectory of policy makers on the need for future of resilient building for the    

                                health safety and welfare of the public.

  • I.Azaroff, Building a Better Future While Learning from the Past, pp. 48-51, Connections Magazine, Published on Oct 26, 2018 VIEW HERE


•  I. Azaroff and Others, Strategic Council handbook 2017, Annual Report 2017, Retrieved from VIEW HERE

– Impact setting the course of the largest design focused professional society in the world in terms of 

engagement, education and policy. 

•  I.Azaroff and Others, NIST Natural Hazard Mitigation report 2017, Retrieved from VIEW HERE

•  I. Azaroff and Others, Contributing Writer AIA Disaster Assistance Handbook 3rd edition, March 2017, American Institute of Architects, Retrieved from VIEW HERE

  • I. Azaroff and Others, NIST Natural Hazard Mitigation report 2017, Retrieved from VIEW HERE
  • I. Azaroff, “Don’t bother for the next Sandy she not coming”, Architecture AIANYS FALL 2017 VIEW HERE
  • I. Azaroff, “Sandy after 5 a report card”, Oculus Magazine Fall 2017 VIEW HERE


• Contributor to LEED pilot credits for resilient design implementation in Buildings. USGBC, Standards for building better. March 10, 2016


• I. Azaroff, Contributing Author, Ready to Respond: Strategies for Multifamily Building Resilience, Enterprise Community Partners, Nov. 2015, NY NY VIEW HERE

• I. Azaroff, Contributing Author, Resilient Housing Guidelines, FLASH Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Orlando FL. 2015

• Guest Editor and Contributor, Vol 13 Issue 03, June 2015, Connections Magazine, Ahead of the Surge, AIA-YAF

•  Editor and Article “A Mile Wide and a Mile Deep: Resilience3”, Connections Magazine, pgs. 5, 12-17, Vol. 13 Issue 03, June 2015, By I. Azaroff VIEW HERE

• Contributing Author Ready to Respond: Strategies for Multifamily Building Resilience, I. Azaroff, Enterprise 

   Community Partners, Nov. 2015, NY NY VIEW HERE

• Contributor and review Editor Resilient Housing Guidelines, FLASH Federal Alliance for Safe Housing, Orlando FL. 2015 VIEW HERE


• External Contributor Coastal Climate Resiliency Retrofitting Buildings for Flood Risk, NYCPLANNING Department of City Planning, October 2014, NY NY VIEW HERE

Impact Policy and building code changes for New York City, also used as a reference broadly  

across the United States. 

•  Article “What does Recovery Look Like?” ArchNewsNow, September 2014 by I. Azaroff VIEW HERE and HERE JAPAN


• I. Azaroff Contributing Author, Post Sandy Initiative, AIA New York Chapter, March 2013 VIEW HERE

• A Platform for the Future of the City, Co-Author, AIA New York Chapter, November 2013


• Interviewed for Architects Respond to a Call for Post-Sandy Aid Volunteers will work around legal roadblocks to help assess storm-ravaged neighborhoods. By Fred A. Bernstein November 8, 2012

• I. Azaroff Referenced, New Amsterdams, by Bill Millard, Architect magazine. July 2012 


• Article Reports from the Field, New Committee Promotes Design for Risk and Reconstruction, E-Oculus, August 31st 2011, By I. Azaroff and L. Brown. 

• Associate Editor for the 2011 volume 4 of Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal.

• Associate Editor for the 2011 volume 5 of Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal.

• (Blind Peer review) Session Topic Moderator – Real, Surreal or Super-real – Seeking imperfection in the digital age, ACSA  Annual Meeting Montreal Canada, March 3-7, 2011

• (Blind Peer review) Paper presentation, This Will Kill That…..Exploring New Design Topics and Architecture Typologies Arising from the Ongoing Technology Revolution Design Principles and Practices conference Rome Italy, Feb 2-4, 2011


• Azaroff, I., Marinic, G. (June 2010)  Enabling Emergence: Realizing a Design-Build Environment, Design Principles & Practices: An International Journal,  Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, IL 

• Associate Editor for the June 2010  volume 3 of Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal.

• (Blind Peer review) Research displayed ASCA 98th annual National conference, Mar. 3-6 2010. New Orleans, LA


• Article, Book in Review: Geologics: Geography, Information, Architecture by V. Gaullart, Oculus magazine Winter ’09 I. Azaroff

• Article “So-says, Urs Gauchat”, Oculus Magazine Summer ’09, by I. Azaroff

National Design Juries

  • NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Buildings of Excellence Competition 2020 VIEW HERE
    • Press Governor Cuomo Announces $13 Million in Award Winning Projects in Second Round of Buildings of Excellence Competition, VIEW HERE
  • NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Blue Ribbon Jury 2021 VIEW HERE
  • JUROR ENR Engineering News Record, Best Projects Contest: Here are 2021’s New York Regional Winners! | Engineering News-Record VIEW HERE
  • AIA Brooklyn 2020 Design Awards 
  • AIA Peconic 2020 Design Awards VIEW HERE. , A.I.A. Peconic Announces its 2020 Awards | The East Hampton Star VIEW HERE
  • Columbia University Super Jury, 2021 (Details Thaddeus Palawski director)
  •         Houston Vision 2020 Design Jury, shaping a resilient future for the City of Houston in a post Hurricane Harvey Future VIEW HERE

• AIA LI Design award jury 2019. This is a demonstration of Respect of peers, recipients New York Architects

• AIA New York Design Awards Committee. Committee organizes, identify the jurors and invites them to participate in the adjudication of the New York Design awards 

  • Upjohn jury 2018 (chair), AIA premier research grant competition. Each year the Upjohn grant is given to research proposals for architects, engineers, and educators. As jury chair I ran this jury to the selection of the winners and allocated funding for their continued research. Multiple impacts on society and he profession. VIEW HERE
  • Juror for the AIA-NJ service award jury 2018 and 2019. VIEW HERE This is a demonstration of Respect of peers, serving to identify worthy recipients of a number of service awards for New Jersey Architects. 
  • Build Academy expert advisor to global competition Resilient Housing. Supported by the UN, this international competition examined how to build better replacement housing after disasters in serval areas around the globe. as an expert advisor to competition participants I advised on strategies for better buildings and gave presentations of my research on the subject. Impact is that the winning entries are being built as prototypes by the UN for potential mass production. VIEW HERE
  • FEMA MAT (Mitigation Assessment Team) Report for USVI Subject Mater Expert reviewer of report. Review and suggested edits for this report on the effects of hurricanes in the 2017 season on the islands. Scientific analysis of building damage and forensics of building failures were examined. This report informs ICC on the next set of International Building Code standards that will be written in the next cycle. VIEW HERE

• Juror for 2017 The National Institute of Building Sciences Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) Beyond Green Awards.

• AIA National 2017 honor awards chair VIEW HERE

• AIA National Upjohn Awards juror, (research grant awards) Retrieved from VIEW HERE

• AIAIL Design Awards juror, Retrieved from VIEW HERE

• 3C Competition Juror Natural Systems, Symposium Sept. 13, 2013

• Juror for 2012 d3 “Housing Tomorrow” competition, January 2012

• Juror for 2009, SARA -Society of American Registered Architects Design Awards VIEW HERE

Citation of research in publications

• Work cited and Referenced in Urban Waterways. Evolving Paradigms for Hydro-based Urbanisms: edited by Nancy M. Clark, UNESCO chair series publication. Pg. 31 & Pg. 45 Google Book VIEW HERE

•   Contributed to foreword, Collaborating for Climate Resilience – by Ann Goodman and Nilda Mesa – Google Books VIEW HERE 



  • Application RFP Anchor Educational & Research Institution of Govenors Island. CUNY in Partnership with a broad range of institutions, industry and professional sector. Application lead Prof. Kevin Hom NYCCT
  •           (Peer review) Can you see us now?, Blueprint for better 2021 Film challenge, Oct. 21, 2021

• (Peer review) Application to the AIA National Collaborative Achievement Award 2022, For the AIA Unified Crisis Task Force,AIA National, May 2022

• (Peer review) Back to the (Future) Workplace, Aspire Conference South east regional conference on Architecture

• (Peer review) Back to the (Future) Workplace, AIA Tri State Conference, New York-Pennsylvania_New Jersey, Dec. 8-10, 2021

• (Peer review) AIA United Crisis Task Force – Safe Communities, A’22 National Conference on Architecture, June 23-25, 2022 Chicago

• (Peer review) United Crisis Task Force – Architects Responding to Crisis, A’22 National Conference on Architecture June 23-25, 2022 Chicago

• (Peer review) United Crisis Task Force – Policy and Advocacy, A’22 National Conference on Architecture AIA June 23-25, 2022 Chicago

• St. Vincent Disaster Response Network, shelter working group. Responding to the recent volcanic disruption to the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Assisting CARICOM and the island governments in rapid response and longterm recovery. 

• Key Note Speaker 2021 SRWA Fall Conference, Innovation for Sustainability Sept. 21-23, 2021 (Tennative)

• Appointment to New York State Climate Assessment Technical Working Group (peer review)

• Design Awards Jury Central New York AIA, 2021

• ENR Engineering News-Record, Excellence in Sustainability Awards Juror 2021

• Waterfront Alliance R2R Rise to Resilience Steering Committee member

• UN Entreps Award for the Kalinago Model 2021 video book and award 

• DfRR Fight or Flight Managed retreat series

• MOR NYC  Mayors office of Climate Resilience RAPID RESPONSE PUBLICATION

• AIA Unified Crisis Taskforce, Chair. Dealing with the COVID 19 crisis

AIA New York State Disaster assistance Handbook contributor, to be published June 2021

  • FEMA resilience conference Laurie Schoeman Enterprise March 2020 (cancelled due to COVID)

• Paper Resilience vs. Sustainability, Conflict, Coexistence and Opportunity, Accepted by LATIS magazine, co-authored with Donna Walcavage and Walter Meyer (paper complete, release date TBA)

• Book Gimme Shelter (working title), in contract with Birkhauser publications

• Shelter design workshop Recovery in Domenica post Maria, December 2020

  • DfRR Fight or Flight? Series continuation. Sessions 5 and 6, organizing and speaking
  • Session Five – Fight or Flight? Stemming the Tide – June 4, 2021 VIEW HERE
  • Session Six – Fight or Flight? Climate Justice and Equity– June 11, 2021
  • Organizing and leading SAP Safety Assessment Program Training. Two sessions planned for 2021 the following dates confirmed.  May 20-21 and June 17-18
  • Invited Panelist 17th annual Global conference on Urban Health, ICUH Panel – Health through Housing Coalition, Thursday 8 July 2021, 8:30-10:00 EST VIEW HERE


  • -Graham Alabaster, Chief Geneva Office, UN-Habitat 
  • -Illya Azaroff, President , AIA New York State 2021, Chair, AIA Unified Crisis Task Force,   Professor, New York City College of Technology
  • -Nathalie Roebbel, Unit Head, Air Quality and Health, World Health Organization
  • -Anne Wilson, Lecturer in Epidemiology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Pre-recorded speaker:

  • -Sarah Ruel-Bergeron, Executive Director, ARCHIVE Global


  • -Emily Nix, Research Associate, University of Liverpool
  • Key Note Speaker for AIA Central Europe, “The resilience imperative, architects respond in the face of climate change”, November 2021

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