SEE EPARSe for complete information


Chair Steering Committee Department of Architecture Technology Fall 2017-pr.

 – Setting the future course of the department reinforcing the vision statement and implementation strategies for the departments mission statement. Developing the Advisory Board of outside professionals and industry leaders for the department of architecture technology. Since Spring 2019-pr. the committee has raised over $15,000 for advancement of student education and department visibility. Through our actions we have engaged new avenues of department advancement by partnering with professional societies such as the AIA American Institute of Architects and the Architecture League of New York. City tech long range plan

Steering Committee member, my position is head of Communications chair Jason Montgomery           2012-16


Department Appointments Committee member (Chair Sanjive Vaidya) 2019-pr. I was elected to the appoinments committee by the faculty to serve in a critical role to seek out and on board new adjunct faculty that reinforce the long term vision of the department. In addition we have several on going responsibilities.

-Writing annual faculty evaluations, interviewing new adjunct candidates and reviewing performance of current adjust faculty. Reappointment of faculty.


Curriculum Committee member, (co-chairs Shelley Smith, Jihun Kim) 2011-pr. I have been a long time member of the curriculum committee assisting in evolution of the department and the degrees we officer. Organizing and understand areas of curriculum related to the value in the professional field as well as emerging areas of emphasis that have fueled the departments transformations over the years has been our objective. Current trajectory includes the formation of specialty tracks that will arm students with great tools that reinforce their interests adding value in the market place. 

Department mission and vision and description


Liaison curriculum development (Service to the College and Department Curriculum), ULI – Urban Land Institute collaboration with Architecture Technology. Integrating Urban Plan, a 4 week teaching module, into Design 6 with Jill Bortogolou. I was one of three faculty trained by ULI for the course integration and I completed the work obtaining a Certification from urban Land Institute. In the summer of 2019 I was part of a summer workshop that successfully trained faculty into the Urban Plan roles and methods. The course module has now been successfully implemented into all sections of Arch 3612 and taught each semester since the Fall of 2019. In particular my students work selected as best practice by ULI to share nationally.


NAAB Accreditation committee member, (Co-Chairs C. Hernandez and T. Chin)2016-pr. My role has been writing several areas of the NAAB conditions report on the state of the department, our goals and what we envision for the future of the department. lang term visionary thinking is necessary to set the course of a new professional degree. Much of the conditions report overrfview required information attained through the 10 year review report, which I was the co-lead. through that experience I assisted in editing and finalizing sections as did the majority of the full time faculty.

From this role I was appointied to chair fo the department steering committee

I was also part of the NAAB review committee that interfaced with the listing review team. Assisting in the set up of the review and creation of binder materials for the the review process. We were also the public face of the department and met with the review team. the interaction with he review team is essential as they interview faculty and students to gain a deeper understanding the department culture.


Department Grade Appeals Committee, Chair Paul King 2013-17 and (Chair S. Vaydia) Fall 2019-pr. I am serving on the grade appeals committee for a second non-consecutive term. Our role is to review of any appeals brought forward or filed by students, interview faculty and student alike to address the grades in question.


Member and contributor to Solar Decathlon competition (chair A. Aptekar) 2015-16


Teaching a new course 3612 design VI and 3551 Sustainability 2019-21

Co-teaching Arch4712 design 7 with Prof. Jihun Kim Fall 2019

Teach newly rewritten course 3510 design V Fall 2017

Writing a New Course Design to Build

Emerging and Honors scholars facilitator (over 20 students over the years) 2013-Pr

Organized and Delivered Training to faculty and students alike. NDPTC National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Hurriplan course, a two day FEMA approved course Spring 2014, Fall 2015 and Fall 2016. 

Organize and Deliver Training to faculty and design professional SAP –Safety Assessment Program Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Winter 2017-18

Writing New Course for CUNY Graduate Center on Resilience Spring 2017 organized by Honey Burke

Chair Resiliency Committee, leading the effort to start this committee and chair creation of new curriculum

Written and presented Modules for resilience to 4710 faculty and students, multiple sections A.Maldinado, L. Dikigoroplou, E. Beita. 

Member of Upper Design Studio Committee, with Lia Dikigoroplou and Jill Bourtogolou             Spring 2014-2017

Deliver resilient design lecture to Prof. Reginald Blake’s courses                         Fall 2017


Co-Lead and writer of the department 10 year review with Prof. Jason Montgommery 2016

A periodic evaluation of the Architecture department of technology is done every ten years and I was assigned by then chair Shelley Smith to lead this effort for the department. Prof. Jason Montgomery joined the effort to co-write the final document. Ultimately the document was reviewed by external team that I identified. Former Dean of the College of Architecture Wayne Drummand reviewed the document and submitted essential review for the department. As a result shortly following the review, the faculty began to pursue NAAB accreditation and launch of the new 5 year BArch – Bachelors of Architecture degree.

10 Year Review Response_ARCH_TECH_20160329

Ten year review feedback_IA

Ten Year Review_reviewer candidates_20150203


Solar Decathlon team DURA as Resilience technical advisor, working with Professor Alexander Aptekar who is leading the effort.                            2014-15

The solar decathlon is a national competition for colleges to compete to build a house that is net zero, sustainable and show the way for a future of building practice. The majority of the faculty were involved in this project along with faculty from the engineering disciplines across several departments. The final design and built house was called DURA noting Urban and Resilient as part of the proposal. My role was to serve as the resilient consultant faculty member throughout the design process and construction in the Brooklyn navy yard. I met with students and faculty alike in this process including procuring materials for the build. Professors Alexander Aptekar and Prof. King led this effort with great success. 

Writing and presenting Modules for resilience to 4710 faculty and students, multiple sections

Organize and Deliver Training to faculty and students alike Hurriplan, a FEMA approved course            Fall 2015

Upper Design Studio Committee, with Lia Dikigoroplou and Jill Bourtogolou             2013-15

Technology Committee member, A. Leonhardt, P. King                     2013-16

Technology Curriculum Committee member, I wrote Design to Build elective for the new 3rd and 4th year curriculum

Member of the Electives committee member, Chair Wendell Edwards           2015-16

PARSe presentation to Department Chairs through ISR (Invited by Chair Shelley Smith)           2013

City Tech research roundtable participant, Chair Selwin Williams           2013-14
Electives committee member, Chair Wendell Edwards           2012-14

Architecture Technology Website committee with Lia Dikigoropolou and Barbara Mishara           2012

Assisted in developing digital archiving standard with Carmen Trudell           2011-12

Serving on the Department committee of Peers           2013

Mentoring new faculty members Michael Duddy on PAR_SE, and Prof. Esteban Beita on Promotion path and Research         2013-14

Technology Curriculum Committee member, chair Shelley Smith written Design to Build elective for the new 3rd and 4th year 2012

Continuing Eduction organizer and delivery

Founding Committee Chair AIA DfRR – Design For Risk and Reconstruction, providing continuing eduction credits and student engagement with design professionals, city agencies and community leaders on a broad range of topics encompassing climate change impacts, building science and technology, resilience and community equity. 

These programs often collaborated with NYCCT and reinforced research agendas. 

Creating over 80 programs, workshops and seminars in 10 years of service.

– All programs are free for students and faculty 2011-2021

Organize and Deliver Training to faculty and students alike Hurriplan, a FEMA approved course Spring 2014, Fall 2015 and Fall 2016

Organize and Deliver Training to faculty and design professional SAP –Safety Assessment Program Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Winter 2017-18

Writing New Course for CUNY Graduate Center on Resilience Spring 2017 organized by Honey Burke

Chair Resiliency Committee, leading the effort to start this committee and chair creation of new curriculum

Written and presented Modules for resilience to Design faculty in 3610 and 4710 for faculty and students, multiple sections. Organized FEMA online library with Felix Baez for student and faculty access on departments server. 

Upper Design Studio Committee, with Lia Dikigoroplou and Jill Bourtogolou Spring 2014-2017

Deliver resilient design lecture to Prof. Reginald Blake’s courses Fall 2017