Individual Strengths

I am a very determined individual and always strive to obtain further education and career advancement and my enrollment in to Bachelor Program is the proof of that.  Furthermore my strength is in achieving my goals and one of the big goal was pursuing higher education. I am a reliable person and come to class in time and always prepared. I meet and exceed my college standards and expectations for attendance, punctuality and work assignments. I have a very cheerful attitude and make others feel good. Throughout my school years I have effectively worked with other team members, classmates and helped others in times of need. I am a competent student as evidenced by the accurate, and timely manner submissions and preparation of my assignments, readily participate in class discussions, and follow directions for the assignments. I am energetic, resourceful, and self-reliant individual. I always try to keep a positive attitude with a smile on my face and demonstrate how much I enjoy my school. I stay positive and cheerful no matter what. Over the years I advanced myself in the beauty of communication and active listening skills. 

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