My individual strengths include my ability to organize, time manage and prioritize the tasks at hand. These traits are beneficial in an abundance of settings such as when completing errands or professionally as a registered nurse. When working as a staff nurse it can be challenging to complete all the tasks for the designated shift in addition to sufficient documentation while alleviating the concerns of both the clients and their families. However, I organize my daily tasks by priority, so I can complete them in a timely manner. Another strength that I am equipped with is effective communication skills. Nurses have a unique role the ability to interact closely with clients at the bedside, advocate for their needs and communicate these needs to other members of the interdisciplinary team.During my shift I organize my tasks, so I can gather vital information about my clients to build a therapeutic relationship while performing my initial head to toe assessment. Learning within the nursing profession is a continuous process, my curiosity for learning new things has been an asset when adjusting to a new position. I have also learned how to accommodate and tackle stressful situations through the use of critical thinking skills and making use of the resources at hand including seeking the guidance of other health care professionals. Throughout my career I have begun to consider every day a learning experience and find myself constantly reflecting upon my strengths and weaknesses. The utilization of these skills helps me facilitate better patient outcomes and quality of care for each of my clients.