
I was born and raised in Kyiv, Ukraine. I immigrated to the United States in 2014 with 2 kids, 2 dogs, and lovely husband. The year I was accepted into the Dental Hygiene program I became a mom for the third time.

My path to considering  Dental Hygiene as a career was a long one. I earned my first degree in the International Business field and worked almost 15 years in an International Metallurgical company selling pipes for gas and oil pipelines.

Once I arrived in the United States,  I had some time to think about who I really want to be.  I recalled a time when I visited a friend’s dental office in Kyiv.  She was so professional in her uniform, and in her field, meticulously performing her job from her heart. As if enchanted, I followed all her movements, asked about all the procedures in details. I found it all so interesting, and I decided “why not?”. Becoming a dentist with three young children was not ideal for me at the time-maybe someday. But I found a happy medium in finding the dental hygiene program.

As long as I started my Dental Hygiene program I understood I made a right choice. This profession combines professional skills and knowledge with continuing self-education and what I find to be the most interesting and exciting part, patient education. That is amazing! I’m looking forward to starting my career in this field and looking forward to the new experiences and opportunities it will bring.

On this portfolio you can find all information about my education, additional certification, work experience as well as some interesting cases from my student practice.