
Smoking cessation 

Studies revealed significant morbidity and mortality caused by cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco products in the United States. In this stance, smoking cessation counseling is essential, and it is the need of time because, at present, there are not only cigarettes that are a harmful source of tobacco intake, but there are multiple sources that are easily accessible. These sources are causing severe damage to the health of individuals. Studies revealed that smokeless tobacco is a noncombustible form of tobacco (FDA, 2020). A survey conducted in 2019 explored around 4.8% of high school students and 1.8% of middle school students consumed smokeless tobacco in the United States (FDA, 2020). In this stance, this paper will discuss the cessation of smoking and what is essential to address while working with the patients who smoke, including the adverse impact on their health.

Music as a part of relaxation therapy in dental office

Paper tells about supervised a quantitative analysis and research of the effects of music therapy on the anxiety levels of patients undergoing dental extractions. The study was performed at the Saveetha Dental College and was published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care in October 2019

Geographic Tongue

Geographic tongue is a benign recurrent seditious illness of the oral cavity that has no recognized cause. It’s also known as benign migratory glossitis, annulus migrans, erythema migrans, and a tongue roaming rash. Present  paper tells about what geographic tongue is,  it’s ethiology, clinical appearance, and treatment.