Academic Examples

I would like to share an interesting case where I did treatment to the patient with an amazing outcomes.

Patient O.S. 52  y/o Caucasian female

Patient has previous dental history of local aggressive periodontists and caries. Patient     has no medical problems and no medications taking. Extra- orally patient WNL. Intra-orally patient has bi-lateral mandibular tori. On posterior molars, when  i was probing  i found 7mm pocket on #2-M, 6mm on #3-D, 7mm on #4-D,6mm on  #28-M. Gingival tissue was inflamed. Patient had severe bleeding upon probing. On tooth # 15 patient had 3mm furcation involvement. Patient didn’t any mobility. After assessment of  calculus, patient has been found with severe deposits with subgingival calculus on posterior teeth and lower anterior lingual surfaces. I was using ultrasonic 30k with with combination of hand instruments especially on molars. Patient has been informed about present condition of her oral-health and has been aware about further treatment with periodontist. I introduced to the patient proper techniques of flossing and brushing her teeth and its importance of it. After full assessment patient has been recognized with Type II case periodontists. Also, was explained the necessity of the further treatment with Periodontist and future follow ups. There were no medical or mental compromises to patients oral health, but her neglect behavior toward her personal health.During the SRP, i have used local anesthesia for patients comfort. I have used Lido   2% with 100k epi. The anesthesia worked well on patient. I removed all existed calculus and recommended for patient to put ARESTIN. I explained to the patient the benefits that she would get of this drug. Patient agreed on that and gladly accept it. After follow up appointment, I found that medication worked well and helped patient reduced pocket depths.