Within the past decade the technology industry has been a huge force to be reckoned with. Australia is recognized as one of the world’s fastest adopting countries to technology, despite it not being apart of the G8 (“Technology”, 2020). This is best shown through the nation’s education system where classrooms are supplied with the newest laptops, tablets and other technology in efforts to prepare students for successful careers (2020). Australian scientists and researchers claim that there have been huge breakthroughs in technological advancements (2020). According to Plastow (2019), from the New Daily, “Australia is likely to remain outmatched on the quantity of available investment for emerging technology”. Through Australia’s fast paced growth in the industry it has increased innovation and design opportunities, improved the quality of goods and even helped other industries better their businesses (2020). The growth has also caused a huge uprise in Australia’s economy which is why it is now one of the top countries in the world for exporting and importing goods (2020). This is why HoMie is destined to be successful in the international retailing industry.

The New Daily. (2019). [Photo] https://thenewdaily.com.au/finance/finance-news/2019/12/05/technology-australia-economy/
