Fiber, Fabric and Apparel Production

Australia’s large land acquisition and warm climate is an ideal factor in fiber farming production. Australia’s cotton and wool farming are one of the world’s largest exporters as well as its most popular natural fiber(Farfan, 2020). Through modern technology and effective practices, Australian manufacturers are able to farm and  produce natural resources for fiber production while maintaining quality. Below is a short clip from Cotton Australia showing just how their cotton is manufactured from seed to fiber.

Cotton Australia[Producer]. [2018, August 9]. Australia Cotton, from seed to stock.[videofile]. Retrieved from

In the video, CottonAusrailia gives an in depth description of the farming process starting from the seed plantation, fiber manufacturing process and apparel production. After the cotton seeds are harvested, it is carefully washed and cleaned to remove impurities. the cotton is then taken to high technology spinning mills to be turned into threaded fabric. From the mill the cotton is transported to dye houses and off the manufacturer to be knitted into fabric for the consumers. Throughout the process, the company uses ethical practices such as round bile pickers which according to the video prevents less contamination of the cotton helping the initiative to preserve the integrity of the fibers

Recent wildfires in Australia destroyed some of the land preserved farm natural resource farming. The apparel industry suffered a loss of natural resources that was supplied by some of the land such as cotton. As Australian manufacturers are recovering from this loss, increased sustainability practices such as incorporating plant fibers, Banyan tree and hemp, create eco-friendly textiles (Madison, 2020). These plant fibers are widely popular in Australia and an accessible fiber source as the apparel industry continues to improve its sustainable market.



澳大利亚拥有大量土地,气候温暖,是纤维农业生产的理想因素。 澳大利亚的棉花和羊毛种植是世界上最大的出口国之一(Farfan,2020年)。 通过现代技术和有效实践,澳大利亚制造商能够在保持质量的同时种植和生产用于纤维生产的自然资源。 以下是澳大利亚棉花协会的短片,展示了他们的棉花是如何由种子制成为纤维的。


在视频中,CottonAusrailia详细介绍了从种子种植,纤维制造过程和服装生产开始的耕作过程。 在整个过程中,该公司使用道德规范来维护纤维的完整性。

澳大利亚最近发生的野火摧毁了一些保留土地的农场自然资源。 服装行业遭受了一些土地(如棉花)提供的自然资源的损失。 随着澳大利亚制造商从这种损失中恢复过来,不断增加的可持续性实践(例如掺入植物纤维,榕树和大麻)创造了环保纺织品。 这些植物纤维在不断改善其可持续市场方面在澳大利亚广受欢迎。