Australia’s employment and labor practices are governed by the Federal, State, and territory requirements, and as well as the common law. Australia also has organizations that are key points to ensure a regulated employment system. The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) is a an independent statutory agency of the government that aims to help with free advice to employees and employers and overall provides information on the national workplace relations system, according to the FWO Australian Government (“Our Purpose,” 2020). The Fair Work Australia (FWA) is “Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal, their role is to assist employees and the employer to maintain fair and productive workplaces” (“What is the Fair Work Commission?,” 2020a). The employment standards in Australia are produced by “the National Employment Standard (NES), it gives entitlements to employees such as maximum weekly hours, parental leave, and request for flexible working arrangements” (“National Employment Standards,” 2020).

HoMie will abide by these practices and standards.