Prime Minister-elect Scott Morrison
ELLINGHAUSEN, A. (Photographer). (2018 August, 24th).Prime Minister-elect Scott Morrison [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Australia has been largely recognized as a firm reforming democratic political system. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, Australia has ranked in the top ten countries to be a “fully democractic” country (Solution, 2019). As a result of this political structure Australia offers a free market for foreign investors and facilitates a strong regulatory system. As stated in the the Australian Trade and Investment Commision, “our regulations are designed to ensure a fair competition, sufficient protection for the relevant parties and integrity in the market”, (“Understanding Australian business regulation – Austrade,” 2020).

In 2018, Prime Minister, Scott Morrison introduced the Commonwealth Integrity Commission, this model allows the government to investigate any corruptions among the public sector to ensure a fair environment among businesses in the country. Australia also offers an independent judiciary system, although classified as a monarch country, Australia is represented by the United Kingdom’s queen or king. However the legal system is independent of it’s politics and is operated within the government. This means that businesses in Australia won’t have to deal with outside forces on how to run their companies.

在很大程度上,澳大利亚已被公认为改革民主政治制度的坚定机构。根据《经济学人》智库的数据,澳大利亚在“完全民主”国家中名列前十名(Solution,2019年)。由于这种政治结构,澳大利亚为外国投资者提供了自由市场,并促进了强有力的监管体系。正如澳大利亚贸易和投资委员会所指出的那样,“我们的法规旨在确保公平竞争,为有关各方提供充分的保护以及市场的诚信度”(“了解澳大利亚的商业法规– Austrade”,2020年)。

2018年,总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)引入了联邦廉政委员会(Commonwealth Integrity Commission),该模型使政府能够调查公共部门中的任何腐败行为,以确保该国企业之间的公平环境。澳大利亚也提供了独立的司法系统,尽管被归为君主制国家,但澳大利亚以英国皇后或国王为代表。但是,法律制度独立于其政治,并在政府内部运作。这意味着澳大利亚的企业无需就如何经营公司而与外界力量打交道。