What is Aid For the Homeless Program? 

HoMie is a street wear label and social enterprise that loves to help the homelessness community of Melbourne, Australia. Since COVID-19 began, the rise of homelessness has increased tremendously. As of 2020 there are at least 116,000+ people homeless (Launchhousing.org.au., n.d). At HoMie our mission is to help those in need by accepting donations like food, money, clothes or anything else that can be resourceful for those in need. HoMie has also partnered with Launch Housing Organization to have a bigger impact in decreasing the number of people without a home. 


How does the program work?

At HoMie we understand the severity of being homeless especially during a pandemic, COVID-19. Social distancing and self isolating when being homeless can be very difficult, imagine not being able to shower, eat, stay hydrated, or wear protective gear? 

As a team we want to make sure we do our part in helping those in need. Through the program our consumers are welcomed to stop by any of our stores to drop off any donations and as a thank you for your generosity, a 10% discount coupon will be given to you to use for your next purchase. As previously mentioned we have also partnered up with Launch Housing Organization where together we host events and encourage our consumers and many others to volunteer.



HoMie是一家街頭服裝品牌和社會企業,它熱愛幫助澳大利亞墨爾本的無家可歸者社區。自從COVID-19開始以來,無家可歸者的人數急劇增加。截至2020年,至少有116,000多人無家可歸(Launchhousing.org.au。,n.d)。在HoMie,我們的使命是接受有需要的人的捐贈,例如食物,金錢,衣服或其他任何有幫助的人,以幫助有需要的人。 HoMie還與發射房屋組織(Launch Housing Organisation)合作,在減少無家可歸人數方面產生了更大的影響。

在HoMie,我們了解無家可歸的嚴重性,尤其是在大流行COVID-19期間。無家可歸時的社交距離和自我隔離可能非常困難,想像一下無法淋浴,進食,保持水分或穿著防護裝備嗎? 作為一個團隊,我們希望確保我們儘自己的一份力量幫助需要幫助的人。通過該計劃,我們的消費者可以在我們的任何一家商店中停下來停止捐贈,並感謝您的慷慨捐助,我們將為您提供10%的折扣券,供您下次購物時使用。如前所述,我們還與Launch Housing Organisation合作,共同舉辦活動並鼓勵我們的消費者和許多其他人自願參加。