Australia is one of the largest countries in the world. As of June 2020, Australia has a total population of 25,499,884, with a growth rate of about 1.18% annually (Wordometer, 2020). It is ranked as the world’s 55th largest populated country (2020). Melbourne, the city in which HoMie is based, has a total population of 4,246,375 alone, making it Australia’s second largest city, after Sydney (2020). Over the past four years there has been a consistent migration increase of about 158,246 to Australia and because of this the population is expected to increase to about 42.68 million by 2099 (“Australia’s Population”, 2020). Females dominate the nation as there is a ratio of about 12,909,562 men to 12,992,324 women (Country Meters, 2020).The average age of a Australian resident is about 37.9 years old (Wordometer, 2020). Females in the Aussie nation are expected to live to about 86 years old, while men are expected to live until about 81 (“Australia’s Demographics”, 2020). However only fourteen percent of the nation is over the age of 65 (Country Meters, 2020). Majority of the population are between the ages of 15 and 64 which is roughly 67.7% (2020). Christianity stands as Australia’s most affiliated religion with 67.3% of the population taking part in the faith ( Country Meters, 2020). Sixty seven percent of the population are of British descent (2020). This is most likely due to the British colonization that took place in the 18th century.

          HoMie strives to target both males and females who are either Millennials or Generation Z. The fact that this age group makes up the majority of Australia’s population is a plus. Our target market is either still pursuing an education or has just graduated. Income may vary but HoMie’s target consumer is willing to pay a bit more for the quality apparel that our brand offers. They are trendy but in the most comfiest and casual way.

Figure 1: Australia Ethnic Groups Figure 2: Australia Religions

澳大利亚是世界上最大的国家之一。截至2020年6月,澳大利亚总人口为25,499,884,年增长率约为1.18%(Wordometer,2020年)。它被列为世界第55大人口大国(2020年)。 HoMie所在的墨尔本市仅人口就有4,246,375人,是仅次于悉尼(2020年)的澳大利亚第二大城市。在过去的四年中,移民到澳大利亚的人数持续增加,约为158,246人,因此,到2099年,预计人口将增加至约4,268万(“澳大利亚人口”,2020年)。女性在全国占主导地位,男性约12,909,562名,女性有1,992,324名(Country Meters,2020)。澳大利亚居民的平均年龄约为37.9岁(Wordometer,2020)。在澳大利亚,女性的预期寿命为86岁左右,而男性的预期寿命则为81岁左右(“澳大利亚人口统计”,2020年)。但是,全国只有14%的人超过65岁(Country Meters,2020年)。人口的大多数年龄在15至64岁之间,大约占67.7%(2020年)。基督教是澳大利亚最有联系的宗教,有67.3%的人口参加该信仰(Country Meters,2020年)。人口的百分之六十七是英国血统(2020年)。这很可能是由于18世纪发生的英国殖民统治。
