Australia has four different seasons that vary throughout the country/continent. The country itself consists of eight states and territories known as New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, The Australian Capital Territory, and Tasmania (, n.d.,, n.d).

In the tropical north region of Australia you will experience a wet and dry season. In fact, Australia’s seasons are different than in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer time in Australia happens from December to February, March to May is Fall, June to August is Winter and September to November is Spring (, n.d).

Summer Time (December – February): 

Looking for a great summer vacation? Perfect! Australia is the perfect country to visit. Summer time in Australia brings bright, sunny and warm days where you can lay down in the country’s most gorgeous beaches (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d). The best beaches you can visit are: 

Cottesloe beach: perfect for swimming, walking, Snorkeling and surfing (“Australia’s Best Beaches,” n.d). The one thing this beach doesn’t have is sand for those who like to lay down to tan (“Australia’s Best Beaches,” n.d). 

Lucky Bay beach: A beautiful crescent shaped beach of white sand and turquoise water (“Australia’s Best Beaches,” n.d). Another beauty this beach displays is views of the islands of Recherche Archipelago (“Australia’s Best Beaches,” n.d). Tourists can share the beach with our most prestigious animals, kangaroos which makes the experience unforgettable (“Australia’s Best Beaches,” n.d). 

Cable beach: Another beautiful beach famous for its 14 miles of soft white sand and calm blue water (“Australia’s Best Beaches,” n.d). The fun does not stop there at this beach, tourists are able to enjoy a stroll on the beach while on the backs of camels and the view of Western Australia’s epic sunsets (“Australia’s Best Beaches,” n.d).  

These are just a couple of the amazing beaches Australia has. 

Winter Time (June – August): If you are looking to experience skiing for the first time, the Australian Alps located South of the country is a great place to go to (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d). Now, if you don’t like the cold and prefer more balmy and cooler days, Darwin and Kimberly are great regions in the country to go to (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d). Darwin is great for open-air movies, crocodile encounters, great Asian food markets, and sunset cruises (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d). Kimberly on the other hand is one of the world’s last wilderness frontiers where you’ll find wildlife, majestic canyons, freshwater swimming holes, and several outback stations (“Guide to Kimberly,” n.d).  

Autumn Time (March – May): Orange, red, ochre, lush green and gold are a few hues that represent Autumn season in Australia (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d). During this time many of the country’s biggest festivals take place, you can also find wildlife magic meaning witnessing tiny turtles hatching in the Southern Great Barrier Reef (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d). 

Spring Time (September – November): Spring season is filled with the blooming of Jacarandas and wildflowers, sunny days and cool nights in Australia (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d). It’s in Spring when Koala and Kangaroos venture out on their own for the first time after being in their mother’s pouches (“Australia’s Seasons,” n.d).





尋找一個美好的暑假?完善!澳大利亞是遊覽的理想之地。在澳大利亞,夏季充滿陽光,溫暖和溫暖的陽光,您可以躺在該國最美麗的海灘上(“澳大利亞季節”,n.d)。您可以參觀的最佳海灘是: 科特斯洛(Cottesloe)海灘:游泳,散步,浮潛和衝浪的理想之選(n.d“澳大利亞最佳海灘”)。對於那些喜歡躺下來曬黑的人來說,這個海灘沒有的一件事就是沙子(n.d“澳大利亞最好的海灘”)。 幸運灣海灘:美麗的月牙形海灘,白色的沙灘和碧綠的海水(“澳大利亞最佳海灘”,未註明日期)。該海灘展示的另一處美景是Recherche群島(“澳大利亞最佳海灘”,n.d)的景緻。遊客可以與我們最負盛名的動物袋鼠共享海灘,這會讓您難忘(《澳大利亞最佳海灘》,n.d)。 纜索海灘:另一個美麗的海灘,以其14英里的柔軟的白色沙灘和平靜的藍色海水而聞名(“澳洲最佳海灘”,未註明日期)。樂趣並不僅限於此海灘,遊客可以在駱駝背上在海灘上漫步,並欣賞西澳大利亞史詩般的日落美景(“澳大利亞最佳海灘”,n.d)。 這些只是澳大利亞擁有的眾多令人驚嘆的海灘。

冬季時間(6月-8月):如果您想第一次體驗滑雪,位於該國南部的澳大利亞阿爾卑斯山是個不錯的去處(“澳大利亞的季節”,n.d)。現在,如果您不喜歡寒冷,更喜歡涼爽和涼爽的日子,那麼達爾文和金伯利是該國值得去的好去處(“澳大利亞的季節”,n.d)。達爾文非常適合露天電影,鱷魚encounter,亞洲美食市場和日落巡遊(“澳大利亞的季節”,未註明日期)。另一方面,金伯利(Kimberly)是世界上最後的荒野邊境之一,在這裡您會發現野生動物,雄偉的峽谷,淡水游泳洞和幾個內陸站(“金伯利指南”(n.d))。 秋季時間(3月-5月):橙色,紅色,色,鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色和金色是代表澳大利亞秋季的幾種色調(“澳大利亞的季節”,n.d)。在這段時間裡,該國發生了許多最大的節日,您還可以找到野生動物魔術,這意味著目睹南部大堡礁(Australia’s Seasons,n.d)

上的小海龜孵化。 春季(9月至11月):春季充滿Ja蘭花and和野花,澳大利亞的晴天和涼爽的夜晚(“澳大利亞的季節”,n.d)。到了春季,考拉和袋鼠被帶進母親的郵袋後,他們便第一次獨自冒險(“澳大利亞的季節”,n.d)。