
Hello, my name is Anna Tkachenko. Welcome to my ePortfolio! Let me tell a little about myself. I am originally from Kiev, Ukraine. I immigrated to the United States in 2012.  I am fluent in English, Ukrainian, and Russian. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in the Sociology in Kyiv, Ukraine. I was working in the field of HIV prevention and with foster families. It was an interesting experience. When I came to the United States I did not have the opportunity to continue my career as a social worker, so I started working in the hospitality field. This experience taught me how to communicate with people from different cultures, to be a team player, and be able to work under very stressful conditions.

After some time, I felt stagnant in that position, and not growing mentally. Shifting my priorities, I began thinking which field would fit me best. My mother is a nurse in Ukraine and medicine was always interesting for me. I always liked biological sciences so after much thought and research I made my ultimate decision to pursue a dental hygiene career. Enduring the Dental Hygiene program was harder than I expected. It takes a lot of time and determination to keep up with a heavy workload. But I believe that hard work pays hard. I can’t wait to start working and utilizing the skills I learned at City Tech in the real world. In my free time I enjoy traveling and hiking. My goal is to visit every state of the United States and I have got 24 so far. I believe my dental hygiene career will provide me with those opportunities.