Professional Goals

The Human Services code of ethics responsibility to self – standard 36 states “Human Service professionals hold a commitment to lifelong learning and continually advance their knowledge and skills to serve clients more effectively.” As a human services professional this means that I must always learn new ways to work with clients, such as attending conferences, doing independent studies, enhancing my education from a bachelors to a masters or even a doctorate.  Also, I will connect with my clients by being empathetic, showing respect to the clients and accountability to serving the clients in a honest way.

I hope to develop skills in research to help an under-served population such as women and children who are at risk for poverty, diseases and lack of education. Since my passion to do research and not work directly with clients, I want to be able to implement and find innovative ways to help clients through new policies.

After graduation, I hope to continue my education with a master’s degree or even a doctorate. I am interested in the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University dual program in International Affairs, NYU Global Institute of Public Health or Hunter College Masters in Public Health specialization in Community Health Education. I would like to work as a public health professional, specializing in women and children issues, so therefore these schools will provide me with the education and skills to accomplish my goal in creating new policies, improve the way people live and conduct research. I choose these program because I did not want to social work and realizing my capability and area of interest, public health was the best choice for me. These programs are very hands on in terms of having an internship and a chance to travel abroad to get an international perspective on public health issues. Also, these programs are very competitive and well known for public health education.

I believe that with a higher education I will gain more knowledge and skills to help the population I am interested in working with. I will also fulfill a personal accomplishment in getting a higher education. I will also be able to open my own agency helping young women and children in Trinidad who lives in poor areas. One important thing for me in life is to be able to shift my thinking to not remain the same all the time but to expand the way I talk  and think in a positive way.  The challenges I might face when continuing my education are balancing school, working and family life. Also, paying my tuition and buying books will be hard. I believe that the sky is the limit and my future will be bright once I put my mind to it. Once I continue with my education I can be able to achieve anything in life and I will be financially stable.

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