Course Work and Competencies

Course ID Course Name Competencies
HUS 1101 Introduction to Human Services This course enlighten me on the basic knowledge of social services are operated. Human services ethics and what is human services in general.
HUS 4804 Management Concepts in Human Services This course helped me to develop techniques that showcase my ability to lead, while helping to maintain a balance between being a leader and a co-worker. Also, I learned skills, values, and knowledge to work with different populations in the human services field.
HUS 3501 Counseling Methods This course is a preparation to do a 20 minute counseling interview to clients. This exposed me to different counseling skills and techniques and it helped with my listening skills.
HEA 3510 Social Welfare Policy and Program: Analysis for Human Services This course I have learned different government policies that helped with social services. This course introduce me to gentrification.
MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry This course was one of my favorite class at NYCCT because I love math and it can be used every day without even noticing.

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