Lab Description:
In this lab we used python script to write a program that displays a menu to the user with the option, such as (1) enter a number and (2) exit. After that we wrote programs that performs operations such as the sum x + y, the difference x – y, the product x * y, the quotient x/y, the remainder x%y, and whether x is less than, equal, or greater than y. Finally when we run the script in python and entered option 1, the program ask for an integer for x and an integer for y and displayed the results of all the operations.
option=input("select an option(1) enter a number and (2) exit ") #print (option) o = int(option) if (o == 1): x=input("enter value x") xint = int(x) y=input("enter value y") yint = int(y) z=xint+yint print ("x+y= ", z) z=xint-yint print ("x-y= ", z) z=xint*yint print ("x*y= ", z) z=xint/yint print ("x/y= ", z) z=xint%yint print ("x%y= ", z) if xinty: print ('x is greater than y') else: print ('x and y are equal')