Inward Reflection

In our life we face people who speak different languages, and sometimes we face people who just speak their native language. Each one of us has his own way and story to learn a new language. In my case, I master four languages Arabic, Amazight, French and English. Arabic is the first language in Algeria. Since I was born and raised there, I learned it in school and at home, and I use it everywhere. However,  when I came to the USA, I didn’t forget it, and I think I will never forget it. The other language that I can speak is Amazight. It is not a known language like Spanish and Chinese. This language is only used in some states in Algeria and other countries like Morocco and Tunisia. I learned this language from my mom because she was born in one of those states. Yet, I usually use it when I speak to my grandmother because she doesn’t understand Arabic very well. I still use it now when I speak to my grandmother or my relative friends. I also speak Tamazight. However,  I didn’t learn how to write it, but I will learn it in the future.  Moreover, in Algeria we start learning French in middle school. At the beginning, I found it really hard and boring, and then I started enjoying this language. However, when I came to the USA, I forgot some words because I don’t practice this language with anyone. But I still can understand people and communicate with them and write too. Finally, the last language that I started to learn is English. To be honest I never thought that I would learn this language or that my skills would improve. The reason that let me learn this language is my studies. On the other hand, as a writer in my mind, I’ve composed the next article. I feel excited, because I know exactly what I want to write, and I think the readers will love it. When it’s the time to start writing, I can’t put my thoughts into words anymore. Where have my words gone? I had such a bright idea, but now I feel lost. How did that happen?. Was my idea rubbish? Where did it go?. I usually think in English, but sometimes the word does come up in english. The good thing about knowing four languages is that they help me in my writing. For example I stare thenging in english, sundly I don’t know wish the word in english, so immediately I star things in Arbic sometimes work sometimes no. I directly moved to french which helped me in that time. It doesn’t mean that I always think in Arbic which is my first language. Igot lost sometimes. However, you’re in charge as a writer. As detailed or brief as you like, you can make your outline. You can meticulously pursue it, or keep open to new ideas. Often, it’s a matter of personal preference and how familiar you are with the content you want to write. For instance, when writing backward reflection, I plan meticulously. But for tutorial style articles I’m more open for fresh ideas and my outlines are brief. For a book, I outline what goes in each chapter, but I might write the chapters themselves more loosely.