Internship Week 8

The first day, I continued to work and refine layouts for various articles after receiving feedback from others.  While for the rest of the day Ivan and I sorted through piles of last year’s WPC’s holiday cards. They planned to use the same design again for this year. We sorted good ones, okay ones, and bad ones. The reason they have variations is because they were all printed on the office’s printing press and not all come out perfect. After the sorting the biggest pile turned out to be the bad ones, which have smudges, faded ink or little dots that swarm the paper. The next biggest was the okay, but not sure, ones, which are sometimes not ideally dark enough. Smallest pile turned out to be the good ones.

The last day we viewed a film that WPC screened at City Tech as a first location in the US called “The Power of the Weak”. It’s about a disabled Cuban boy named Jorgito who, despite his birth and thanks to the superior and free healthcare and education system of Cuba, he became normal and lives today as a symbol of hope and Cuba’s advancements in medicine and education. WPC hosted several screenings of this film and toured several locations in the US with Jorgito to spread the word about Cuba, of which most of the US is ignorant about because of how the media often withholds or never reports information about Cuba’s free healthcare and education (This is because of the bad relationship between these two countries). They did the tour of the US earlier this year and even moved on to tour Europe after its success in the US. The film was very inspiring and heartwarming; for a disabled boy to live a normal live while treated as so and to stand as a revolutionary in Cuba.