Internship Week 3

During this week I’ve had to take a day off to visit my counselor and work on projects for another class. During the days I came in I showed Lisa my sketches for WPC’s holiday cards. Most had a winter theme to them, with snowy landscapes, fireplaces, person clothing up, with messages of happy holidays and staying warm. However the one that was picked by Lisa was of a pen writing down “Happy Holidays” with a ink carton on the corner, all from the perspective of the viewer. She liked it because it corresponded with what her organization was about and what it does. The text was adjusted to one Lisa liked from a previous year that said “Tis the Season to organize, from Women’s Press Collective”. So I refined my sketch to a 100% scaled card, which was small in size, with the cover reading “Tis the season to organize” and the inside reading “from Women’s Press Collective” with an illustration of the pen laid horizontally on the bottom side of the card. Another sketch that also caught her eye was of a scarf twirled around the paper. She suggested changing the scarf to paper that came from a roll that can be found in printers. I refined that sketch also and gave the same message.

The last day consisted of mailing magazines. After receiving the final version of the fall magazine in mass numbers from giant printers in New Jersey, me and other volunteers in the office helped mail out copies of the magazine to members. I got familiar with how they split up jobs for the process and record who was going to be mailed a magazine. I thought they had a very nice and thorough system of recording the activities of each person that has worked with WPC.