Internship Week 2

My second week was a bit on the slow side because no members of the Benefits Program came in with their projects to work on. So Lisa explains that helping members with their projects would be a big part of our work with them, however if there aren’t any projects present we are to work on projects with WPC itself, such as their magazine, Collective Endeveour. So during my second week at Women’s Press Collective I worked on sketches for holiday cards that WPC works on around this time of year and send out to its members. These cards are to be, at max, 2 colors because they will be printed in the printing press, and the nature of the machine makes it only print in one color at a time.

On the final day of the week we received another assignment which consisted of illustrations that needed to go with 2 articles that were going into the winter’s issue of the magazine. One article was about paper as a renewable resource and paper as an alternative for information storage than its digital counterpart, which are made of toxic metals and substances that are made by poor and low class workers in third world countries. And the other article is about secret trade agreements between countries of the Atlantic that can potentially affect the economy in a negative way for the middle class and lower. I’ve found that ideas for illustrations for these articles are lacking and I leave this week pondering for ideas.