Internship Week 1

I visited the Internship Coordination site on OpenLab and saw a post about an organization, Women’s Press Collective, that needs interns with a background in graphic design. I called the number and was told of an orientation that was going to happen tomorrow. I came to the orientation at 10 a.m. and was meet with 3 other people from City Tech with communication design majors. We were told of their work and background in helping low income workers as well as a history on inequality among working women with working men.

After the overview, the four of us got a chance to work with a printing press. We were told of the different mechanisms and functions of the machine and how it is an excellent choice for mass printing of flyers, business cards, cover letters and the such. The main part of working with a printing press is with set up. We did however run into many problems with the set up and caused us all frustration. Lisa, the organization’s head and tour guide at the time, was not the person in charge of the machine so she was sometimes as confused as we were. After the orientation I made a schedule with them, coming in Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

The coming days of the week consisted of introductions to the WPC’s magazine that was near completion and workings of the office. Me and one other student, Kim, worked together to adjust some images that was going into the fall edition of WPC’s magazine, Collective Endeavor. Another day, I was introduced to their benefit’s program where members of WPC can come in with their own individual projects and get help from their new interns. And on the last day, a member that knew the printing press the best was in and me and Kim once again observed and helped him make WPC’s business cards. And naturally with an expert, the process was a lot more smoother and pleasant.