Lab 0


Lab 0:

We must create an eporfolio on openlab website. Once we have created the portfolio, we must then create and new page named  “CET 3640″ in the portfolio site. We then have to create a new page named lab 0 for our first lab. This is where the contents of the first lab would be submitted. We must now choose “CET 3640″ as the parent to keep your portfolio organized. After submitting our lab we must have to page private until the professor view the page.

This first lab, we would be creating a java application to display the message “Hello World”. We then have to submit the lab in the portfolio that we have created.



public class HelloWorld {



         * @param args


        public static void main(String[] args) {

               // TODO Auto-generated method stub

               System.out.println(“Hello World”);






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