From the Field

  1. One thing I found exciting was the applications that were shown to me at Tinybop. I could see why their enjoyable applications for kids to explore and express their individuality with a user friendly program. With applications that aren’t to goal oriented or have a finish line, children and toddlers can the enjoy expressing themselves and educate themselves through Tinybop’s applications.
  2. What I mainly learned about the different job types is that design was broad with a variety of fields. There were a few roles that were mentions such as the design team, web team, illustrators, and research team. One that really interested me the coding role of design. Although it looks a bit complex, challenges are one thing that excite me and learning to code would be as exciting as learning a new language.
  3. My visit at TinyBop makes me realize that even for professional designers or highly experienced designers, my work won’t always be amazing or great right off the beginning or when I think I’m finished. Critique and suggestions always help to make some ones work look more refined and definitive. If I were a designer for print, my visit shows me that I should always look for a second opinion or have someone go over my work to give me suggestions to improve before finalizing anything for print.

This is one of the images from what I took that really drew my attention. It has a lot of animals from the sea and seems to look like Neptune. I got to ask one of the designers there if there were children that came and possibly doodled here and it turned out to be this piece. She told me it was Tinybop’s brainstorm for the next upcoming app that will be themed under the sea.

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