Author Statement

AL Moktader Sadman
The topic that I am working on is called “Police Funding”. I personally worked on this
topic because I figured this subject doesn’t really come up a lot in discussions and I am not
educated on it either. The interesting point about my topic, at least to me, is that I have tried to put data evidence but also sources that extend on this topic and explain further. This helps boil down the data and make it more available for people of every age. What inspired me to talk about this topic is the recent surge in cases of Police brutality. I wanted to find a correlation between the two topics and I thought this topic will help me create the bridge.
What I used for research is different types of sources that help me explain my topic such
as data, reports, research papers, blogs, etc. It was a little hard to find the best sources
because I wanted to make sure the source is not biased and I believe not everyone can do it since some people might have biased opinions towards the police. My personal experience with this topic is that after researching this topic I feel more educated on this topic rather than just having opinions about it. It hasn’t changed my initial hypothesis as it has supported the statement even more. I also made sure that my sources are not biased and are respected in the research community.
This topic is really important to me because overall it strengthens my beliefs. This
research reminds me of me as something knowledgeable. I am knowledgeable and so is this research. It will educate everyone more on the topic so they can stop having biased opinions. I am proud of this research because I feel like I have helped a lot of people see the truth and now they have the knowledge to make decisions regarding the matter.