Mission Statement


The purpose for Cartoon Art is to give my audience a look at the difference in art style between anime and cartoons. Right now, in the west there is only relatively small fan base for anime and as a result of that not many people know what anime really is I will be attempting to define what both anime and cartoons are for my audience, which will be people of all ages and gender who know nothing about anime. I am taking a layman’s approach so that the audience can understand what I have posted. I want the audience to just enjoy my posts, and not have to think about whether or not they should like it. All I want my audience to is to understand the differences between cartoons and anime. Cartoon Art will be simple, because I feel like people receive information better when they are not confused by a lot of unnecessary clutter in the way.

There are a number of blogs that have inspired the look and message that I want my blog to convey, but I am only going to name a few. I am inspired by the look of the blogs Just Creative and Smashing Magazine. These blogs are very simple and straight forward, exactly what I want my blog to be. In the future I hope my blog will help more people to really understand what anime is and maybe in turn help them to enjoy anime more.


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